Duplicate Nominations


10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Mar 24, 2008
If an individual receives multiple nominations i.e. Senator and Congressman both and has secured their appointment is the duplicate released for another individual?
Essentially, yes. However, the answer is a bit more complicated and depends to which nominating source the candidate was "slotted." It could be the Congressman, or the Senator, or another source. That, in part, depends on whether the nom was a principle nom or a competitive nom. At the end of the process, however, each MIDN is slotted to only one source, thus freeing up spots with the other sources. Hope that makes sense.

One other note -- it could be that a MOC has no MIDN at USNA for a given year. Suppose the MOC nominates ten candidates for one vacancy for the year. Some of those 10 may end up not fully qualified (usually medically, if anything). The others may decline offers of appointment. If that happens (no one takes the slot), that slot will be an "extra" for the MOC the following year.
Is it possible to find out who's slate you are counted against? Of course, it doesn't matter and I don't really care too much to know, but I'm just curious.
Does anyone know if Senator Clinton and Senator Schumer (New York) use the principle nomination method?
The sen from the great state of NY, used the competitive method at least they did last yr. The state is very competitive and if you receive 1 nom they ask if you have it and try not to duplicate the list
In my day (a long time ago), I vagely recall there was some document that I saw at some point in my 4 yrs there that indicated what my nomination source was. However, I have no idea what document it was, when I sawy it or whether that was an indication where I was slotted as I had 2 sources of noms and the list could have represented the first one I received, either one b/c they had to list something, where I was slotted, or something else entirely. This is the military, after all. :wink:

It really does NOT matter and, from the minute you walk in the door, no one will ever tell you or ask you to which source you were slotted. Or at least they didn't when I was there. Think of it as an accounting mechanism. No more, no less.
^^^ You are right.

I do know that certain MOC's will send a press release out announcing who was assigned to them.

what is the difference between a competitive and principal nomination? what's a MIDN? what's an MOC?:confused:
MOC stands for Member of Congress. However I've never seen MIDN before...I'm assuming it has to do with the Naval Academy.
A little overview. Each MOC has 5 slots for each academy, so he/she usually has only 1 slot to fill each year. For each slot available, the MOC (member of congress) is allowed to nominate 10 applicants. As long as you get in that list of ten, you are considered to have a nomination. Each academy will figure out the matching of the applicant to the MOC or other nominating source.
A principal nom, means essentially if you are qualified, the SA must appt. you. Very few MOC's use this method. It is not impossible to walk in with 3 noms, 4 if you are AD dependent or JROTC nom. 5 to include the VEEP nom.

Most MOCs will submit their list and allow the SA to assign the nom. However, to win the nom in a non-principal slate you must have the highest WCS.
Two nominations

I am already in the Army. I was nominated by my company commander and my congressman. I only needed one, and, of course, my company commander nomination was easier to get. I still applied for my congressman nomination to increase my chances, which worked in the end. I did not apply for my senator nomination because I was in Iraq. USMA accepted both nominations, and I was accepted two weeks after USMA received my application. My advice will be to get as many nominations as possible (if permitted by your academy).

:biggrin:thank you all for the info. im glad i know this now instead of learning it too late.