That's not quite practical. For many reasons. But let's put it into perspective.
1) If 1000 graduate from a beginning number of 1350; then that's a drop out rate of 26%.
2) Nationally speaking; Forty-one percent of African-American college students and 47 percent of Hispanic students earn a bachelor's degree within six years, for instance, compared with 59 percent of whites. So; a 74% graduation rate in 4 years is AWESOME. Most schools don't get that high until 6 years.
3) The air force numbers are statistically normal. Considering by law, they are only allowed to commission 1000 grads a year; they know how many will drop out.
4) Most drop out in the first 2 years because there's no commitment if they leave. After that, it's usually because of grades.
5) Many leave because this isn't what they wanted or thought it would be. Some are athletes who thought they were getting an "Athletic Scholarship" which meant they were going to play. Instead of 18 recruits for football like a normal college; they saw 60+ recruits because they don't get academic scholarships. Therefor they can invite any and all.
6) Some came in because of their family. It wasn't really their choice. Either for money, convenience, family history, or a number of other reasons. Fortunately they realized in time that this wasn't for them.
The one constant that the academies have is that you REALLY DON'T KNOW WHAT THE HELL YOU ARE GETTING INTO!!!! It's not like 10% of your high school class went there and you can ask how it is. It's not like your state school. A normal college; I don't care where it's at; basically only deals with you a few hours a day. They DON'T CARE if you ever come to class. They DON'T CARE what you do when you aren't in class. If you pay your money and pass the tests; you get a degree. The academies want you MIND, BODY, and SPIRIT. They want it 24/7. They want you to be part of something so much bigger than yourself. Most of the civilian world believes it's all brainwash. They think you'll all become numbed robots. They can't imagine someone actually willing to die for people they don't even know.
Well; long story short; these realizations start to kick in on a cadet after a couple of years. They start to realize that if they start their 3rd year, that there's really no turning back. Until then, they can change their mind at any time. They start paying attention to CNN, MSN, FOX, etc... They start paying attention to Israel and Palestine. To North Korea. To Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, etc... They realize that all of President Obama's speeches were all part of a euphoric party designed for an election; and now it's the next morning and we are back in the real world. That the troops AREN'T coming home tomorrow. That terrorism is still a threat. Many cadets did the same thing under Bush, Clinton, Bush, Regan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, etc...
The point is; there's a lot of reasons people leave the academy. Most of the time, it's because they had no idea what they got themselves into. Some still want the military and go back to civilian colleges and go to ROTC or OTS after graduating. Some leave the military all together. Bottom line however is; the 74% graduation rate is actually pretty good when you look at most colleges in the country. Especially finding stats of how many students actually graduate in 4 years. later... mike....