Error Trying to Submit NROTC App

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USNA Grad, Former BGO, Mom to 2 ROTC Grads
5-Year Member
Apr 14, 2015
DS has been trying to get Netfocus to submit his NROTC app for several days.

When he tries to Audit or to Submit, he gets an error message. However there is no error number and the contact info on the error page is for an office that no longer supports the NROTC app. They did send him some suggestions for updates to Internet Explorer. He tried these changes and it still won't submit

At this point, he has tried at his college on two different computers with different browsers, at home on multiple computers and browsers. His recruiter has tried to submit from his office. Nothing seems to work to get the application to submit.

Has anyone else had this problem? Does anyone have any suggestions? (Netfocus was bad last year for older son, but at least he could submit his app.)
Posting the fix, in case someone else should encounter this.

I had ds go through the entire application again, checking each field for a response that had gotten unmarked. There was one field on the form where the response was not formatted correctly. He was trying to indicate a date was n/a, but used 00/00. Evidently that threw the whole application out of whack, instead of just marking it as an incomplete or error in formatting.

He changed the response in the one field and was able to get the form to submit.

FWIW, the trouble desk number on the main NROTC website was more helpful than the number that came up with the error page.
Posting the fix, in case someone else should encounter this. I had ds go through the entire application again, checking each field for a response that had gotten unmarked. There was one field on the form where the response was not formatted correctly. He was trying to indicate a date was n/a, but used 00/00. Evidently that threw the whole application out of whack, instead of just marking it as an incomplete or error in formatting. He changed the response in the one field and was able to get the form to submit. FWIW, the trouble desk number on the main NROTC website was more helpful than the number that came up with the error page.[/I]

According to my DD, the NROTC Portal is the most difficult of the (3) xROTC portals when it comes to entering information. DD told me she had to be very careful in confirming that all of her changes had been saved when she updated. She also mentioned that the NROTC portal usually goes down on weekend afternoons just when you need it the most. DD completed all (3) xROTC Applications last week + she has finished USCGA Application.

Her ranking was:

1. AROTC ('fun', most user-friendly )
2. AFROTC (the easiest)
3. USCGA - (straight forward, nothing fancy, it is very good)
4. NROTC (hardest to navigate; program updating 'long overdue')

In conversations with DS, last year, a ranking of the Service Academies:

1.) USAFA - (Superior to all, most user-friendly ) He started one because he was asked to in late November, but stopped after USNA feedback "became encouraging" in January
2.) USMA - (very user-friendly, but too many components ) He started one 'for fun' in late December but immediately stopped.
3.) USNA - (OK, but could use updating, says it gets more 'user friendly' after an Appointment shows up in portal)
4.) USMMA - (Really primitive, it was a paper application , he tossed it in round file. )

Why so many Applications for each kid, you ask? Opportunity Insurance is one analogy.

I told them DD#3 still has to go thru Catholic HS just like they did; the deal years ago was we would save enough to pay for the HS Tuition for all three; but College was on them. We then made it clear by telling them they would not be allowed to take on Loan Debt and we would not be co-signing anything.

(Since the kids were all real young when we had that meeting, they all said "OK" in unison and each one eagerly put a painted Palm Print on the Agreement without consulting an Attorney.)

IMHO, xROTC programs and SAs are simply a 'NO-Brainer', provided you are lucky enough to be blessed with kids that like to work hard.