An FFR interview has no real influence on the selection process. In some areas, a FFL could be on a MOC selection panel. FFR have we a wide breath in experience, some are WP alum, a WP parent, a member of the public who wants to be of service. The interview from a FFL has no influence over a student being selected. They may have a relationship with an RC and can make recommendations. If a student attends SLE a Cadet will conduct an interview as part of the Cadet leadership requirements. In many communities across our country there are just no FFR available. A FFR has limited access to a students file. It will show how much is completed on their application and may ask you about your school resume. An FFRs opinion on your competitiveness is based on their experience and comparing your file to what they may know of other students who are applying. A FFR is there to encourage you, offer advise and motivation. The RC is the power piece to the selection process. Your RC can see your whole file, including MOC nom, progress reports from civil prep schools, MAPS and whatever information submitted from you if you are attending a college. In other words the more correct information given to your RC that pertains to your WCS the better your opportunities with the forethought of class composition goals.
In other words, follow the guide on, ask questions here, ask question to your FFR if available, work on your academics, athletics and leadership.
Push Hard, Press Forward