I have recently read the disqualifications on food allergies on the DODMERB website.
D141.50 Allergic manifestations, history of anaphylaxis
History of anaphylactic allergic manifestations (including insect stings/bites, common foods, etc.)
I have eosinophilic esophogitis (allergic esophogitis) which for a brief explanation after I have a certain food (which has yet to be figured out) after a while my esophogus swells up and food gets stuck and i have to regurgitate back up. This can be treated with medication that I am taking. I am not anaphylaxic so does that mean I am ok? If I am not then would this be waiverable?
D141.50 Allergic manifestations, history of anaphylaxis
History of anaphylactic allergic manifestations (including insect stings/bites, common foods, etc.)
I have eosinophilic esophogitis (allergic esophogitis) which for a brief explanation after I have a certain food (which has yet to be figured out) after a while my esophogus swells up and food gets stuck and i have to regurgitate back up. This can be treated with medication that I am taking. I am not anaphylaxic so does that mean I am ok? If I am not then would this be waiverable?