For the parents of those waiting.....


5-Year Member
Dec 20, 2017
Some sayings to memorize if pep talks are necessary or if your son or daughter are getting worn out from the waiting (I know I am as a parent, lol):

"Breaks are not caught, they are created"

"Luck is where hard work and opportunity meet"

"Fall down seven times, get up eight"

"Hope is not a plan"

"Old man Can't is dead.....I helped bury him"

And for the parents, "Unlike milk, it is ok to cry over spilled wine", lol.
Some sayings to memorize if pep talks are necessary or if your son or daughter are getting worn out from the waiting (I know I am as a parent, lol):

"Breaks are not caught, they are created"

"Luck is where hard work and opportunity meet"

"Fall down seven times, get up eight"

"Hope is not a plan"

"Old man Can't is dead.....I helped bury him"

And for the parents, "Unlike milk, it is ok to cry over spilled wine", lol.
Great sentiments, thank you! My DD, who is normally very reserved and non-verbal about her desires, actually shocked me last week and said "I just want to go there (USNA) sooo bad!" I know it's been her desire for the last four years through CVW, NASS, etc etc but to hear her demonstratively verbalize it when she normally never does now makes the waiting so much more excruciating!! [emoji572][emoji4]
Hubby & I keep reminding DS (& ourselves) of the impressive pool of fully qualified candidates that makes it to the final wait: "And you are one of them! If it doesn't work out this year, now that you know the ropes, re-applying next year will be way easier. One rejection, one stumble does not determine your path - you do!" But it's still excruciating! LOL Happy waiting!
I’m the dad and HS coach, I have stayed out of this and will continue to do the same. My DD had a great 06 mentor, very lucky. After this being the 3rd time around the waiting is easy. There will be a lot of action very, very soon the board will light up and the acceptance list will build. It’s coming soon!!!
Absolutely HATED the waiting. I was obsessed. One day my DS's calm patience finally got to me! "HOW CAN YOU BE SO CALM?!!". He smiled. Stood up and whispered to me as he walked by, "Mom, that's why I'm going to be an Officer!" He was right. He is Class of 2021![emoji173][emoji631][emoji572]

My son was completely the same way through waivers and all. Never doubted he would be appointed. He is still super chill most days unless it's a Thayer week and even then, that has improved second semester.
Random thought of the day: USNA could save this forum a bunch of bandwidth if they were a little more transparent with the WCS formula and admissions process.

Random thought of the day: USNA could save this forum a bunch of bandwidth if they were a little more transparent with the WCS formula and admissions process./QUOTE]

I don't think that USNA cares about saving bandwith or reducing anxiety. There is some benefit to the lack of detail, as it gives Admissions flexibility to do what they think is the right thing. The truth is, all that you need to know is provided on the Admissions website. While I understand the candidates and parents desire to know more, most of the questions here deal with matters beyond the candidates control.
As far as the waiting goes, I’m getting more excited for my DS as every day that goes by that he is still in the mix.

I was recently thinking back to Memorial Day of his sophomore year, he was fortunate to be involved in our hometown parade, via the local VFW post. He rode in a fancy convertible and when the procession ended up in a local cemetery, he stood up on the podium and read the Gettysburg Address. (Fun fact, Frederick Douglass had travelled through this area and had reportedly spoken at this same location.)
When my son was being introduced by an older gentleman, this guy had misunderstood the details of my son and he reported that my DS WAS GOING to attend the Naval Academy. At this point, we had visited and toured USNA and he was planning on attending an athletic summer camp there, but obviously an appointment had not been offered. Maybe the old guy was clairvoyant or it was a sign from God or something! Either way, thanks for letting me share that memory as I enjoy my coffee from my favorite mug!

My DS will join the USNA class of 2022 in June, and I never miss a chance to drink out of my USAFA coffee mug.
I would much rather drink my Joe out of a USNA mug, but don't have one yet. Can you believe it?

Frankly, I just like the wince I get out of him every time I fill up that USAFA mug.
I am a rotten dad, but I just can't help myself.
You can get one at the Mid store on I-DAY (long lines) or order one on line. You are really sticking it to him. Good luck to your son. Down the road you may have to buy a Marine Mug.
My DS will join the USNA class of 2022 in June, and I never miss a chance to drink out of my USAFA coffee mug.
I would much rather drink my Joe out of a USNA mug, but don't have one yet. Can you believe it?

Frankly, I just like the wince I get out of him every time I fill up that USAFA mug.
I am a rotten dad, but I just can't help myself.
If you're active or retired military, as your avatar suggests, you can go to the NEX near USNA before I-Day and pick up a USNA Dad mug and a whole host of other USNA stuff. You'll avoid the lines at the Crack House - er... I mean the Mid Store.
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My DS will join the USNA class of 2022 in June, and I never miss a chance to drink out of my USAFA coffee mug.
I would much rather drink my Joe out of a USNA mug, but don't have one yet. Can you believe it?

Frankly, I just like the wince I get out of him every time I fill up that USAFA mug.
I am a rotten dad, but I just can't help myself.

No need to wait - fire up the laptop, get out the credit card, and go shopping.

Here’s what’s in our everyday coffee mug cabinet, along with mugs from almost every command of both DH and my careers, including his USNA company mug, circa 20th c.. Our sponsor mid family gets a kick out of using them and hearing about those tours. This is one of my favorite alternate Navy logos from recent years:

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Some sayings to memorize if pep talks are necessary or if your son or daughter are getting worn out from the waiting (I know I am as a parent, lol):

"Breaks are not caught, they are created"

"Luck is where hard work and opportunity meet"

"Fall down seven times, get up eight"

"Hope is not a plan"

"Old man Can't is dead.....I helped bury him"

And for the parents, "Unlike milk, it is ok to cry over spilled wine", lol.

Things I really enjoyed hearing today as someone still waiting (as patiently as a teenage girl who’s dream is on the line can be lol): this post. Thanks for the quotes, I needed to reassure myself today.
Really thought we were just waiting for the rejection letter until I came across this blog.
I thought all the appointments would be sent out early March and most would have heard
from their nominators by late February, a few days before. I'm now assuming every case is different.
Thank you all for your kind/curt support and advice. Still we are heavily engaged in backup plans.