Getting a C


5-Year Member
Apr 13, 2018
How much effect would getting a C in one class have on your application to West Point? Right now I have a borderline B- in the class, and the final exam is on Tuesday. Hypothetically, if I ended with a C, but got all A's and A-'s in the rest of my classes, would it be extremely hurtful?
Probably not, but I'm sure it makes a difference which class it is too.
O.M.G.! Just kidding, I'm sure your good especially if you're only a freshman.
It happens and it isn’t fatal. But make up for it by taking the hardest math classes your school has to offer and getting As, or at worst Bs. Show an upward trajectory the next two years and show that the C was an anomaly.
Thanks for the input. Hopefully, through some blood, sweat, and tears, I can get a solid A on the exam and bring myself up to a B.
Has math always been a challenge for you? Have you taken Algebra I yet? If so, how did you do? Generally speaking, I would work to beef up your math skills. If you show progress, that one C won't be a deal breaker. You could even talk about how you dealt with the challenge in your admissions essays and nomination request essays.
I got next to a 100% in Algebra 1 last year. I’d fully take responsibility for coming into freshman year never having studied before, and not caring about school like I should. All I can say is I learned from my stupidity, and going into next year hoping for a strong start.
If you decide you want to review geometry or any other math course, take a look at Khan Academy. It's an excellent online resource.
I got next to a 100% in Algebra 1 last year. I’d fully take responsibility for coming into freshman year never having studied before, and not caring about school like I should. All I can say is I learned from my stupidity, and going into next year hoping for a strong start.
If you stick with this, then you should be in a good position for your application. One "C" freshman year is just not that big of a deal if you show that it was an outlier.
Sweet. I brought it up to a B-, and hopefully ending with a B for the semester. That won’t be as worrisome, and then I can focus on getting A’s in the coming years.