I never really post in the USNA board (USAFA Class of 2013 appointee), but I saw this thread and was interested. Here's my list, some of which I have... I work at Best Buy and get a great employee discount.
-Digital Camera
-Watch (Casio G-Shock solar is nice, never have to change the battery, but it is bulky)
-Mountain Bike and Snowboard (More Colorado Springs oriented)
-Printer (Scanner/copier/fax/printer)
-External Monitor (Usage varies on rules...)
-New Cell Phone (I'm waiting for the Alltel-Verizon Merger)
-New Wallet/Money clip (Durable, stylish, and waterproof

-Automatic Deposits into Armed Forces Bank account (yeah, let's see how long that lasts...)
-A pair of Aviators (required for Basic at USAFA

I can probably think of more, and if I do I'll post them for you parents.
I'll be buying a lot of this stuff, but hope to get some of it through Christmas/Graduation.
Oh yeah, I forgot. My parents got me a giftcard to shooting range for my birthday (I've only fired a gun once before that). That was pretty cool, and it really surprised me.