Those are good scores if you can get them on the real CFA. I bet you can improve the mile if you work on it regularly. As for the importance of the CFA, and doing well instead of just "passing", I will tell you what my son's WP admissions RC told him a couple years ago. Although the CFA is worth only 10% of overall score, in even a reasonably competitive district there will be many outstanding candidates, and the decision as to who wins an MOC slot very often is incredibly close, and can come down to less than even 1%. If anyone is so confident that they are perfect enough in all other areas that the CFA's 10% wont ever matter because you are miles in front of all the other competitors, then God bless you. If, however, you are part of the other 99.98% of the applicants, and you dont know for certain that your WCS is so far ahead that 10% doesnt matter, then get working.
The RC looked at my son and told him, "I can see you are a very fit, strong and athletic kid; is there any reason why you wouldn't get a perfect CFA, other than you decided not to work hard enough?" My son said, "no sir". Then he worked hard. He ended with very good scores, but not perfect. I think they would have been except for an injury which left him unable to work on the CFA for a month. It is doable though.