When you pass CFA during SLE, they’ll email you an official letter stating you have ‘Passed’ with all the scores listed. Additionally, it indicates that you DO NOT need to submit your pull up video on the portal, which is very nice.I love that the process is different for every service academy - for West Point, the CFA status just says "received" with the green check when the scores have been submitted. That never changes. When they have determined pass, an email gets sent, and it lists "CFA Qualified" under official correspondence with the date of the email. The email does not give any "score" - just the numbers for each event are listed (10 pullups, etc).
I am not sure about if the result is a fail, but I would guess the same email is sent (my son got a fail email after SLE).
No scores on the letter, just numbers as wonder2024 has said.