How long can you...


10-Year Member
Aug 5, 2007
How long can you hold on to multiple appointments? When do you need to decline the ones that you are no longer willing to attend?
May 1st is the date for USAFA and USCGA.

I believe the other academies use it as well.
Not unless the laws have changed. No-shows have happened in the past and no one went to jail over it.
EG - you have to let them know by May 1. Yes there is no "committment" - if you don't show they won't come drag you out of your bed. Some don't show, others don't make it through the first day.

However, when you send in the card, you are making a COMMITTMENT. A moral committment. Do not make the same committment to more than one academy.
Remember - your appointment is a conditional appointment (by US Code) until R-Day.
What I am getting at is IF you receive an appt. to USMA and USNA - don't inform both academies that you are planning on going and wait until the last minute to decide. This, IMO, is dishonorable.
May 1 is D-Day. Make the decision by then and live with it.

If you want to keep your back-up civilian school open in case of injury or illness - I can live with that.
JAM is right on target

Remember the SA is holding a spot for you, which means someone else will not find out until you don't show.

I am sure every cadet has a back up and that is smart, but they too will have to inform the colleges of their decision. If you get hurt physically b4 or during BCT that is different. Your decision was changed due to forces beyond your control. Just as if a cadet turns to the college that they matriculated to attend and cancels it b/c a slot opened, which I hear it can happen...their dream was to go to an academy and now the slot opened up they will follow the dream.

BTW I thought you were not eligible for USNA b/c of SATs? Did you retake and pass..if so congrats! Or did you mean to say AFA?
What I am getting at is IF you receive an appt. to USMA and USNA - don't inform both academies that you are planning on going and wait until the last minute to decide. This, IMO, is dishonorable.
May 1 is D-Day. Make the decision by then and live with it.

I agree, but will also add that there is nothing dishonorable about having two appointments and waiting until late April before deciding and signing the acceptance paper.

Please keep in mind that there are many others that have applied and are dreaming of going to a service academy. By the time that the SA finds that someone didn't show up, it's too late for them to fill that slot.

Please make your decision in a timely manner. If you can't decide by May 1st, over 3 months from now, then maybe you should reconsider attending any of the service academies. (Sounds harsh, but not totally without merit.)

If you really are conflicted about your choice, have someone else make it for you. Once they have, you'll figure out real quick which academy you really want to attend. :shake:

Good Luck.
^^^^ agreeed.

Have dear old folks sign for you, as soon as they start signing your name to the SA you don't want you will grab that paper away as fast as possible...if you don't and go where they want you to go and not where you want to go, well than say hello to the most miserable 9 yrs of your life (4 +5 after)
I think EG wants WP and just doesn't want to get his hopes up until his appointment comes. That's where my money is!
BTW I thought you were not eligible for USNA b/c of SATs? Did you retake and pass..if so congrats! Or did you mean to say AFA?

SATs were never a problem for me. I just don't agree with USNA and their policy towards the SAT, that's all.