I am Medically Disqualified.


Oct 9, 2016
Hi everyone. I just found out that the refractory error cannot be +- 8.0 diopters. My error is 8.75 and 8.50. Ive heard that almost nobody gets waivers for this. I guess this is it for me, although I will go to my Dodmerb anyways, who knows what could happen. Any input would be appreciated. Im in shock right now. Do you think I have a chance at westpoint or rotc?
I remember a few other posters on here talking about getting waivers for this. Before you give up, first contact DODMBERB; Larry Mullen there, and the rest of the staff may be able to tell you whether waivers are ever granted (although it's USMA itself, not DODMERB, that grants the waiver). Captain Merchant has helped a few others through the process when there are misdiagnoses, etc. If you really want it, don't give up yet but have a solid Plan B.
All you can do is go through the medical process and see what happens. Not much you can do about it. Is not like it is a subjective diagnosis where a second opinion will matter. They are going to measure your refractive error and report it. I am very sorry for your disappointment.
I wouldn't give up that easy. Pursue every avenue of appeal, so to speak.
Discuss your options. 8+ is at a higher risk of retina detachment due to the elongated shape of the eye, which causes some thinner areas of retinal thickness. That's why even PRK or LASIK isn't the end of the story. Regardless of what your future holds for you career-wise, you should not engage in boxing or other sports or rides where your head could get jarred. Any racquet sport must include safety googles.

https://dodmerb.tricare.osd.mil/Con...ate) Reference Document as of 12 May 2016.pdf
Im so sorry you are struggling with this. Set new goals and new paths to find your success.

Push Hard, Press Forward
I remember a few other posters on here talking about getting waivers for this. Before you give up, first contact DODMBERB; Larry Mullen there, and the rest of the staff may be able to tell you whether waivers are ever granted (although it's USMA itself, not DODMERB, that grants the waiver). Captain Merchant has helped a few others through the process when there are misdiagnoses, etc. If you really want it, don't give up yet but have a solid Plan B.
Is Larry Mullen and the staff consultants like Dr. Merchant? I really don't have the $500 or even $1000 to pay for a consultant, unfortunately.

Larry Mullen is the Deputy Director of DoDMERB. His contact information is here https://dodmerb.tricare.osd.mil/Con...ate) Reference Document as of 12 May 2016.pdf Since he is part of DoDMERB he is not a consultant and does not charge a fee. Reach out to him to see if there is any additional medical information or testing that could be supplemented to your waiver package to increase your chances for being granted a waiver.
Larry Mullen was helpful to DS#2 in negotiating the DoDMERB process. He received NROTC 4yr to his dream school. Unfortunately, he was DQ'ed for an eye issue--a soccer ball to the eye during gym class. Your eyesight, like DS's, is the single most important issue longterm.

As everyone suggested, keep pushing and hoping, but absolutely, do not leave yourself without a Plan B to activate immediately if you don't get the waiver.

Best of luck to you.
I had not seen the document in post#10 before, from Larry Mullen. It has a lot of really good information. Take a look at page 8; it talks specifically about vision waivers. It also says that they will not tell you how often a particular condition is waived because it depends on the needs of the service and the individual case.
Regardless of what your future holds for you career-wise, you should not engage in boxing or other sports or rides where your head could get jarred. Any racquet sport must include safety googles.

I thought of this thread last night at dinner, having just posted to this thread two hours earlier.

We had friends over whose son grew up with our DS. He graduated from college and struggled to get his career off the ground. At age 25, it is all falling into place. Unfortunately, he was diagnosed with an eye disease for which there is no cure. As of now it can be managed like diabetes, but there is no cure. A gradual loss of sight is a possibility.

Heed 2020HD's advice: forge ahead but take care of your eyes. Our DS had restrictions from everything from Lacrosse (his love) to skiing and even sledding for one year. He pursued the waiver (denied), but had a solid plan B in place and has never missed a beat.

Again, I wish you the best of luck!
Hi everyone. I just found out that the refractory error cannot be +- 8.0 diopters. My error is 8.75 and 8.50. Ive heard that almost nobody gets waivers for this. I guess this is it for me, although I will go to my Dodmerb anyways, who knows what could happen. Any input would be appreciated. Im in shock right now. Do you think I have a chance at westpoint or rotc?

Sorry to dig this old thread up, but I was just curious... were you ever able to get a waiver?
Everyone, I have some crazy news. My glasses prescription for myopia is -8.5 and -8.25 in my glasses however when I took the test the opthamologist measured my refractive error at -7.75 in both eyes, so I guess I'm not dq after all. What a relief
Everyone, I have some crazy news. My glasses prescription for myopia is -8.5 and -8.25 in my glasses however when I took the test the opthamologist measured my refractive error at -7.75 in both eyes, so I guess I'm not dq after all. What a relief
Wow that's awesome!