I was just medically disqualified by DODMERB for a childhood ADHD diagnosis. I got nominations to USNA and USAFA. I haven't heard if they are going to request a waiver. I hope so. I am crushed, but I know there is hope. I haven't taken any medication in well over a year, I don't have a 504...
I recently was alerted that I had a remedial Request. They just want some documentation for a hospital visit. This wasnt a serious visit and I won't be disqualified for the details that arise from this. Does this mean that aside from the extra documentation, I am largely qualified?
My son was medically disqualified on December 9 due to a dislocated patella. DODMERB status says under waiver review but portal status still says disqualified. He has emailed his RC twice to explain the situation but hasn’t heard anything. Is there anything else he can do or do we all just need...
Over this summer I injured my knee at wrestling practice and needed arthroscopic surgery and because of that I am disqualified by DODMERB because it was less than 6 months ago, but I have full mobility back and can do just about everything I could prior to the accident. My CFA looked good and I...
Hello, I have had my medical file reviewed yesterday and my newest message today is: Date letter sent - Single Disqualification (D211.50 and D164.70). I don't understand how I was disqualified by these measures; the physician that checked me said I had no issues at all, and throughout my life I...
Hello everyone, I was recently medically disqualified due to old eczema issues that haven't affected me for over 6 years. I was wondering what my next step would be, do I have to request a waiver or contact USMA? Thank you for any help.
My DS applied to USMA and AROTC. He received a 4yr scholarship to AROTC and is considered to be a top candidate for USMA. He checked today to insure his Physical Fitness Results were posted but instead found "DISQUALIFIED" in big red letters on his portal. He called Dodmerb and spoke to his...
I went on DoDMERB this morning and noticed for USMA that I “Did not meet medical standards.” There is not DQ code, but based off of the remedials I would assume it was cystic acne. It went away a while ago.
Does anyone know if this is waiverable?
I am currently a candidate for USNA & USAFA, and have been medically DQ'd for a dislocation of the patella in 7th grade. I have returned to full athletic capability since, and have been cleared for as much by a doctor. USNA has begun the waiver process for me, and has requested...
Hi! I intend on enrolling in Army ROTC this Fall as a freshman. I already started my dodmerb as I was initially applying to USMA, but I have a DQ for my right ear. I can only hear 25% ish in it, but my other ear makes up for it and meets Army regulations, according to my ear surgeon who did some...
Hello all, newbie here.
I applied for and received an AFROTC 4-year Type 7 scholarship through the High School Scholarship Program (I am a senior this year), and have been waiting on my waiver (portal has said "pending waiver submission/review" for about a month now). My specific DQ code has to...
Hey everyone,
I was notified by my RC that I had two DQ conditions—GERD with complications and choledochocyst—that are preventing me from obtaining a medical waiver. I had already sent in a doctor's letter telling them that I already saw a specialist in 2013 and that I was treated successfully...
I had an over-the-phone interview with a recruiter for the AF National Guard and I said yes to having taken medication, and he said it was a disqualifying factor. He continued with if I want to move forward, then we will, or I can think about it and call back. He also said I would have to...
I was wondering how many times smoking marijuana before you get dq. Also if it was smoked out of a vape does it count. Only did it 4 times and never doing it again. Also does that show up in drug tests if they give one and do I still mark yes for smoking it since it was not the actual weed but...
DS was just disqualified for asthma. Its very mild only during spring allergy season and the Dodmerb examining dr said she would note the mildness. After all his work going through this process, to be disqualified for something so minor. The portal says something like "stand by to see if...
I'm a father of A Candidate...
My heart dropped in disbelieve this morning when my son showed me the online email received.
My son is also in disbelieve, filled with emotions...His heart and soul wants so badly to be part of the "Whole Air Force Academy Experience"...He wants nothing less but...
Hello Forum
Last year December I had received a letter of assurance for West Point and now the only thing awaiting me was medical waiver since I was disqualified for Myopia. However when I had information requested I had accidentally sent it twice which restarted the whole process that they were...
I am applying for USNA and my dodmerb status is Pending waiver from USNA. I was DQ for history or current opacities of the lens including cataract. Has anyone seen this before and seen a waiver denied or approved. My vision is fine and i have never had or needed glasses. I passed every eye test...
Hi everyone. I just found out that the refractory error cannot be +- 8.0 diopters. My error is 8.75 and 8.50. Ive heard that almost nobody gets waivers for this. I guess this is it for me, although I will go to my Dodmerb anyways, who knows what could happen. Any input would be appreciated. Im...