I-Day 2020

Look for the other bald heads and those with only a back pack and eyes wider than anyone else. A mid is easy to spot in and out of uniform... this is the day you will learn that. Find a future buddy or two and take an Uber or Lyft. All reimbursable. Before you hurry off... take a few breathes, grab a bite to eat, pick up some snacks and water. Heck have a soda and candy bar, you won’t touch either for another few weeks. Better yet, take a ride share, get out at the gate and then go grab food downtown (if it’s open). Stop at CVS downtown and grab snacks and water. If you are from the west coast that humidity will hit you, drink up. I know this is all new and parents are trying to be supportive, they will all be fine. They got into USNA, they can figure out how to get to the Yard without it being closely coordinated. If the flight is late, take an Uber. USNA knows the travel arrangements and can look up flights and will adjust. Call the Main Office is something prevents you from the normal report time or an issue arises. More than likely there will be many of you on that same flight in the same situation. It will all work out. No Mid has not made it to I Day... well unless they purposely made it happen. Enjoy the ride, it’s honestly a blast!
I am guessing the haircut request for males ahead of time is to speed up the lines. Even though they are processing new Plebes over several days, it’s a choke point. Where they used to sit them down and gone in 2 minutes now takes more time as everyone is more spaced out, disinfect every chair top to bottom, etc takes much more time than a normal I Day. If you can do it, no worries, if not, show up, they will take care of it!

Haircut request was listed as being to maintain social distancing with regards to barbershop staff. Lots of parents planning fun "shearing ceremonies." Though my son plans to do it with his "boys" outdoors right before the at home two week quarantine starts and we parents will repeat the night before. Three weeks to quarantine.
Remember you will have classmates that are traveling from over seas on their own. New language, foreign country, all new. They make it work each year! There will even be a few classmates that are direct admits that have never seen USNA. No NAPS, not nothing. Usually a USNA grad has taken them under their wing to prep them, but at the end of the day... you are all in this together as classmates. It doesn’t matter where you came from, you will be bonded for life. Looking out for one starts the minute you walk up to your departure gate and give each other the head nod. Help each out out, don’t leave anyone behind and all will be fine.
I don’t understand parents need to know info pertaining to PS, other than when to have the candidate to USNA.
Please cut the 2024 plebe class parents a little slack. We just lost all of the celebrations of graduating high school seniors from taking Prom pictures through family graduation gatherings. Now we've lost all of the things that helped previous year parents feel a little less alone. No state club welcome picnics, no nominating MOC dinner, no I-day events, no Plebe Parent Weekend. We are coming to terms with the probability that we will not see our kids again until Christmas. We will get through these disappointments. But...If we're seeming a bit more fragile right now as compared with parents of past years, it's frankly not surprising.
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Just something to keep in the back of your mind...."our sons and daughters belong to the military now", they are young adults and as parents we will miss them, but know they WILL make new lifelong friends, enjoy the bonding and accomplishments they do with those friends and classmates, and develop into responsible young officers. It STINKS not being able to see them off or take the oath, and Parents Weekend will be missed by all, but I saw in our son these past months a huge change! He is not our teenager anymore, he is an adult serving in the service and has new responsibilities and friends and he actually misses being back on the campus! Hopefully whatever the "New Normal" ends up being we as parents will get the opportunity to participate, and be with them as they accomplish their initial journey. I can only imagine how hard it is going to be for the entire Classes of 2024 parents to bear this burden alone, lets all hope that things get better and parents clubs and official events come back and the parents of 2024 get the same assurances and help that the rest of us did..:)
No idea if there will be more forthcoming info when we finally receive our PTR (only had appointment for 4 days) but we will be in Annapolis with our DD regardless. While the BWI info is helpful, is there more info about where to go if you are staying in town? Is there a specific gate where they should be dropped off? Impatient P2B mom...
+1 to @Impulsive .... We learned our sons & daughters “... belong to the military” all too well after our 15 minutes of goodbyes at NAPS last summer. We tried to walk around afterwards watching as they got busy in formation and what-not, and we were given the “stage hook, it’s time to leave”.

She was happy to get home from NAPS on April 18th, but she’s ready to go back now. She misses all her friends, her new family. She is in athletic shape too. She’s ready to go.

I 2nd @Therese_In_Denver on missing the I-Day events. That is the most depressing outcome of this new normal. I hope they video as much as possible and make it available.
Also, I am surprised that the NoVA USNA parents club is holding their new appointments picnic next month. Though, it will be a day or 2 before the start of the stay at home Quarantine period.
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No idea if there will be more forthcoming info when we finally receive our PTR (only had appointment for 4 days) but we will be in Annapolis with our DD regardless. While the BWI info is helpful, is there more info about where to go if you are staying in town? Is there a specific gate where they should be dropped off? Impatient P2B mom...

You will get arrival Info closer to the day. What’s been provided already is ‘drop off at alumni hall’. No hanging around.

In years past, Navy Stadium has been a parking place for families to board a bus to Alumni Hall. Remains to be seen if that’s a thing this year....
Just an update on the hair cut situation for males. As of 1630 May 26th, "All males are required to show up on I-Day with a satisfactory haircut. This will be a shaved head with a #1 guard in length (1/8 inch).". The PTR packet was just update from requested to required it seems
Also, I am surprised that the NoVA USNA parents club is holding their new appointments picnic next month. Though, it will be a day or 2 before the start of the stay at home Quarantine period.
Yikes! Before the quarantine period or not, is this really wise? Getting sick or even just possibly exposed so close to I-day is not a good idea. Virginia COVID cases still on the rise.
Also, I am surprised that the NoVA USNA parents club is holding their new appointments picnic next month. Though, it will be a day or 2 before the start of the stay at home Quarantine period.

Very surprised by this as well. I know my DS is bummed that he will miss this (and us too), but he says he's been doing all the right things since mid-March, he's not going to go out 2 weeks before he's supposed to report. Hopefully, they have other events later on.....so at least us parents can meet in person!!