I got an LOA… but with no notification???

Sep 3, 2021
So today I checked my portal and I got an LOA to the naval academy. I was extremely excited but I’m confused because I haven’t received an email. However, my principal got a call or something and congratulated me today. Also, I’m confused because I got an LOA even though everything for me is done (cfa qualified, DODMERB qualified, they have my transcript and everything is complete). I thought that the LOA was only for people with incomplete applications to motivate candidates to finish their app. I’m really confused and would love some guidance!
So today I checked my portal and I got an LOA to the naval academy. I was extremely excited but I’m confused because I haven’t received an email. However, my principal got a call or something and congratulated me today. Also, I’m confused because I got an LOA even though everything for me is done (cfa qualified, DODMERB qualified, they have my transcript and everything is complete). I thought that the LOA was only for people with incomplete applications to motivate candidates to finish their app. I’m really confused and would love some guidance!
I believe you should cautiously warm up for your happy dance.

Across multiple recent threads, this has been mentioned, applicants receiving LOAs with all conditions met. It’s new from past practice. It seems to be a precursor during that small lag in time when elected officials are given a chance to call the applicant. Stay tuned to your portal!
An LOA is a “conditional acceptance.” In other words, you’re guaranteed offer of appointment as long as you fulfill any incomplete parts, which should be clearly listed. Could be nom or CFA or DODMERB or anything else missing.

Strange if you weren’t told what condition must be fulfilled. There’s an SAF rumor floating that USNA is sending LOAs to all candidates who are about to get the BFE — kind of a short-term placeholder. Don’t know if that’s true but may apply to your situation.

P.S. Yet again cross-posted with @Capt MJ, but a beat behind.
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So today I checked my portal and I got an LOA to the naval academy. I was extremely excited but I’m confused because I haven’t received an email. However, my principal got a call or something and congratulated me today. Also, I’m confused because I got an LOA even though everything for me is done (cfa qualified, DODMERB qualified, they have my transcript and everything is complete). I thought that the LOA was only for people with incomplete applications to motivate candidates to finish their app. I’m really confused and would love some guidance!
Well well well. You finally got a LOA. I still have to wait. Probably because my whole application was finished at the end of January.
So today I checked my portal and I got an LOA to the naval academy. I was extremely excited but I’m confused because I haven’t received an email. However, my principal got a call or something and congratulated me today. Also, I’m confused because I got an LOA even though everything for me is done (cfa qualified, DODMERB qualified, they have my transcript and everything is complete). I thought that the LOA was only for people with incomplete applications to motivate candidates to finish their app. I’m really confused and would love some guidance!
This is exactly what happened to DS, everything was turned in and cleared. Status changed to LOA, got a call from House rep next day, got a call from Senator day after that, flipped to full approval right after. He never did get an actual LOA letter outlining any conditions, cause there were not any to meet at that point. Just a couple more days and you should know for sure. I'll warm up my congrats along with you warming up your happy dance.
From my understanding, getting a LOA also means the applicant wins a slate towards an appointment. If the applicant meets all the requirements but doesn't win a slate, he/she still on the NWL and may not get a LOA to appointment. Is it correct?
From my understanding, getting a LOA also means the applicant wins a slate towards an appointment. If the applicant meets all the requirements but doesn't win a slate, he/she still on the NWL and may not get a LOA to appointment. Is it correct?
My son received a LOA last year. Did not have a nomination. Never fulfilled that requirement (he had requirements for a nom, DoDMERB waiver, and BGO interview - the latter two completed). Got the TWE in late April and a "Sorry, we couldn't find you a nom" email from the Director of Admissions. So no, that ^^^ is not a correct statement.
So today I checked my portal and I got an LOA to the naval academy. I was extremely excited but I’m confused because I haven’t received an email. However, my principal got a call or something and congratulated me today. Also, I’m confused because I got an LOA even though everything for me is done (cfa qualified, DODMERB qualified, they have my transcript and everything is complete). I thought that the LOA was only for people with incomplete applications to motivate candidates to finish their app. I’m really confused and would love some guidance!
I know recently people have been getting LOA due to not having a nomination yet.
My son received a LOA last year. Did not have a nomination. Never fulfilled that requirement (he had requirements for a nom, DoDMERB waiver, and BGO interview - the latter two completed). Got the TWE in late April and a "Sorry, we couldn't find you a nom" email from the Director of Admissions. So no, that ^^^ is not a correct statement.
It seems this year's LOA is different from last year's LOA. Quoting one from above discussion - "USNA is sending LOAs to all candidates who are about to get the BFE — kind of a short-term placeholder."
It seems this year's LOA is different from last year's LOA. Quoting one from above discussion - "USNA is sending LOAs to all candidates who are about to get the BFE — kind of a short-term placeholder."
SOME may be "kind of a short-term placeholder" but there were LOAs issued this admissions year well before nominations were done so the candidates were not "about to get the BFE".
Perhaps SOME but not ALL
From my understanding, getting a LOA also means the applicant wins a slate towards an appointment. If the applicant meets all the requirements but doesn't win a slate, he/she still on the NWL and may not get a LOA to appointment. Is it correct?
A SA may give an LOA to anyone they choose, at any time, for any reason, with or without conditions, regardless of what might be happening on a slate they are on.

“Winning a slate” generally means this is the applicant the SA has chosen to offer the appointment which will be charged to the elected official who submitted the slate. Other fully qualified applicants on the same slate may be offered appointments which are charged to other nom authorities managed by the SA. None of them, some of them, all of them - could theoretically have LOAs.

An LOA is not required for an appointment, though lately we have been seeing some no-conditions LOAs pop up as a sort of placeholder on USNA portals, not long before the offer appears.
Thank you all for the awesome information! To add to the mystery, I have 4 noms (pres, jrotc, sen and moc) but I will update you all when I hear of appointment!
You guys were right about this being a placeholder for congressman to call! Got my congressman call today :D! For future candidates, if your CFA is passing but pretty low like mine was, try and improve it but if it’s the best you got then don’t stress because mine was passing but pretty low too!
Question about MOC call-when did you get your call? My daughter is on high alert but it seems a little counter to the spirit of the process to leap out of her seat to answer a call from an unknown number say...in the middle of Calc class. (And by high alert I mean desperately hopeful).
Question about MOC call-when did you get your call? My daughter is on high alert but it seems a little counter to the spirit of the process to leap out of her seat to answer a call from an unknown number say...in the middle of Calc class. (And by high alert I mean desperately hopeful).
I got my call roughly two weeks after receiving and LOA (I was told it would only take a few days). I was in the same situation as your DS but trust me it will come! Also, don't be too quick to pick up any random number, the call should come from a Washington D.C. area code, as expected. Best of luck!
Question about MOC call-when did you get your call? My daughter is on high alert but it seems a little counter to the spirit of the process to leap out of her seat to answer a call from an unknown number say...in the middle of Calc class. (And by high alert I mean desperately hopeful).
I got my call at like 4 pm well after school was over! But if it’s an unknown number with your area code, like it was for me, then I would do my best to try and answer it because im sure the call time varies from MOC to MOC!