Hey all!
Okay...I'll piggyback on this...I'm also curious about how awkward this "might" be or "might not." It's definitely going to be something new and different, especially for the ALO's. I have one to do with a young man "from the heartland." This will be the first time I've done an interview/evaluation of a candidate that I don't know, I haven't spoken with teachers, coaches, ministers, job bosses, etc. In essence, I know nothing about this young man today other than whats in his candidate file.
I'm "guessing" this will be a 1-2 HOUR long SKYPE call...be prepared for something like that. I need to "get to know" this candidate in a short amount of time so I will have a bunch of questions, and I'm sure he will to.
It's a new process this cycle; there'll be some rough spots, but it will work out.