LOA and Nomination YES!


10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Nov 21, 2008
I've reading a lot here, great forum!! This is my first post

My son's status changed to "conditional" about 10 days ago. He then received his LOA from USMA early last week and finally an email Friday, followed by the actual nomination letter on Saturday, from the MOC. He is very excited, USMMA was his first choice. DoDMER also completed!!!

Huge congrats to your son!!!!:shake::shake::shake:
It's great that he got his first choice.
Heartfelt congrats TX2KP! Exciting & crazy times ahead. Welcome to the roller coaster ride. And btw, GO KP! If you've any questions at all, feel free to ask here or in private messages.
Thanks everyone. Exciting times indeed!!

I guess we have wait for the acceptance package, sign and return the paperwork.

Anything else we should be aware of? :cool::cool:
Yup. Lots to know. But for starters....Its gonna be a tough four years of watching them go through what they have to do. AND major excitement over what they have to do as well. I know that seems a bit mysterious but it’s the KP way. Hard to describe. I guess the biggie is not to let the boy get hurt in any way, shape or form till it’s time to go & to get in a mind set of knowing you’ll need to provide 150% support from home for Plebe year (& beyond). There will be a booklet sent out later (probably between March / May) letting the kids know of the things to bring & things to do. Seems like its months of sitting around waiting on news/correspondence to arrive but try for patience as it will come eventually. Make this a great holiday as you never know when your son might be an A split & gone away to sea for the next holidays. B spliters are at home & go out during summer months. Get in contact with your state’s parent’s association too. Look for their websites off the main KP parent’s Assoc. website. KP folks are seriously a “family” & will be glad to talk to you. There will be a Welcome Aboard picnic this summer, depending on your association. If they have one, go meet & greet. The Alumi & Mids that show up for the potato salad sometimes are just awesome & really clue your kid in on what to look forward to & such. And finally, relax & enjoy your kid’s hair while you can. Mess it up, rub balloons on it & make static, stick combs in it, rub gel in there, hit him when he pushes your hands away, maybe put some color in there… like stencil in blue “Beat CG” on the back, ect. ENJOY!!!!! :biggrin:
They really don't like wisdom teeth there. They are afraid that they will become infected while your kid is at sea in a country where the medical facilities are not quite up to the standards we have become accustomed to.
You are either going to have to have them removed or get a statement from your dentist stating that they don't need to come out. (Good luck wth that!)
I'm only mentioning this because we found out late and had to run all over town trying to get an appointment with an oral surgeon on three weeks notice. Having your wisdom teeth will not prevent them from attending but, it is unlikely that your kids will be able to go to sea until they are removed.
It will be far easier to have it done between now and July while you still have plenty of time on your hands. Finding time to do anything becomes a challenge once they get to Kings Point. I'm still trying to figure out how to get my kid a flight physical so he can keep his pilot's license active. There just isn't a lot of "down time " to get these kind of things done.
I am so glad KPDad brought up the teeth issue. I ditto the wisdom teeth OUT 100 times. This is a sore spot with me personally. We HAD the letter from the dentist saying they were ookeedokee. Sent him on to Plebe year & to the first part of sea year then before going to sea the second time, the academy wanted them out. Point blank. There was no brooking arguments there. Its the one & only time I actually picked up the phone & called the Academy because I was confused.

Well..... when Mids are only home for holidays & spring break type things, it was a no go getting him in to our local family oral surgeon. They were either booked or on holiday. He had them taken out up in Great Neck & it was a pretty yucky experience although I thought the KP dental department took great care of him. It was the creepy Great Neck oral surgeon who I wouldn't recommend to my dog (to be blunt). Even if your dentist says they are ok, explain the situation about the Academy & how they just don't want the darn things in there. Trust me. You'd like this done at home where you can lay eyes on whats going on. Don't forget that the kids (or you if they are currently 17) sign off on a form in the logging on booklet saying the Academy won't be responsible for the costs. I feel like a Nike ad.... Just do it.
Wisdom tooth removal

This is no joke and they can leverage on this "..or are deemed to be a potential threat for infection by the Academy’s Senior Dental Officer.."

This year's Logging In http://www.usmma.edu/admissions/PDFs/LoggingIn2012.pdf (The 2013 class candidates will get one early next year) is very specific:

Waiver for Third Molar Extractions (green form) must also be completed. This form should be completed by a parent or legal guardian of a Plebe Candidate and returned to the Academy’s dental department The form certifies that either the wisdom teeth have been removed/do not exist or the parent/legal guardian acknowledges financial responsibility for removal if these teeth are still present and become symptomatic or are deemed to be a potential threat for infection by the Academy’s Senior Dental Officer. This form must be received no later than 02 June 2008. Failure to provide the necessary documentation may result in disenrollment from the Academy.

Wisdom tooth removal timing: if the removal of third molars (wisdom teeth) is indicated they must be removed at least 6 weeks prior to indoctrination or during a scheduled Academy leave period during Plebe year (i.e. Thanksgiving or Winter Holiday). Removal less than 6 weeks prior to indoctrination significantly increases the risk for delayed post-operative infection and is highly discouraged. Candidates, Plebes and Midshipmen are financially liable for treatment costs incurred as a result of post-surgical infections. Candidates with questions regarding wisdom teeth are encouraged to contact the Academy’s dental department at: 516-773-5337.

My son will have his braces removed in late April. I will have to check with the dentist when the wisdom teeth should get removed (the sooner the better).

Additionally, there are immunizations requirements that need to be completed as well.

Primary and booster immunizations are mandatory (with the exception to item number 9), for the following vaccines and they may be administered any time prior to arriving at the Academy unless otherwise stipulated.
1. Diphtheria - Pertussis - Tetanus (D.P.T.) and a booster dose of Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria and Acellular Pertussis - within five (5) years.)
2. Polio (Oral or injectable Polio Vaccine – at least 3 doses)
3. Measles - Mumps - Rubella (M.M.R. #1)
4. Measles - Mumps - Rubella (M.M.R. #2) or Measles second dose
5. Chicken Pox (Varicella) (2 doses)
(This vaccine is not required if you can present documentation from a physician of an antibody titer or if a physician can document the history of Chicken Pox.)
6. Meningococcal Vaccine (Menactra or Metamune)
7. Hepatitis B Series (3 doses)
8. Hepatitis A (2 doses)
9. Human Papillomavirus Vaccine (HPV) is a recommended vaccine for females ages 11-12 years and is included in the official immunization schedule published by The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The CDC recommends administering the HPV vaccine series to females at ages 13 through 18 years if not previously vaccinated. This is a 3 dose vaccine with the 2nd dose being 2 months apart from the 1st and the 3rd dose 6 months after the first. It is highly recommended that your family physician be consulted regarding the administration of this vaccine before coming aboard for indoctrination day.

The following documentation will be forwarded to each candidate in early May by the Department of Health Services for completion and return to the Academy:
1. Immunization Record Summary (yellow form) must be completed by your family physician and shall become part of your Academy’s health record. This form must be received no later than 02 June 2008. Failure to provide the necessary documentation may result in disenrollment from the Academy.

It's better to get the insurance (if you have one) to pay for most of the above while you can. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Maybe check on the Meningococcal Vaccine with your physician too. We found that ours special ordered it & liked to pop all his college bound kids at once during August. August was too late for us & we had to ask nicely if he wouldn't order one up sooner. We had just assumed that these were readily available. Who knew!

KP tip #163 - Never assume.
We aren't assuming anything. My son has dual citizenship and after reading about it in the forums, I called admissions yesterday and asked about proper procedure. He has a US passport and they requested a copy of the first page along with a copy of his translated birth certificate so citizenship doesn't have to be verified on the first day of INDOC.

I called the embassy and informed themt hat we are sending his passport. They were aware of the process and will send us a receipt.

I also spoke with his orthodontist (braces will be off on April) to check on the the wisdom teeth issue. They are going to let us know about the best time to get them out.

Acceptance has been signed, faxed and mailed, along with copies of additional information as requested.

BTW, anyone from North TX??
So just to make sure, I have received:
-passed CFA
-Medically Qualified
-Got Nomination
am I in?
Yes, you are!!

As soon as your status change to "Principal" on the USMMA's web candidate page, they will FedEx your appointment. You can either accept, decline or postpone it but you need to fax and mail your answer back asap.

You can either accept, decline or postpone it but you need to fax and mail your answer back asap.

You have to mail/fax something back telling them you are postponing your decision? :confused:

I thought decisions weren't due until 5/1/09?
The on the form options are:

Accept my principal candidate status

Decline my principal candidate status. I plan to attend_____

I prefer to defer my response until the candidate's reply date of 1 May 2009
My mom has a friend and in fact we know someone who just got accepted to USMMA from Frisco is your son's name Taylor Kraft by chance?
The on the form options are:

Accept my principal candidate status

Decline my principal candidate status. I plan to attend_____

I prefer to defer my response until the candidate's reply date of 1 May 2009

Thanks, that's very interesting. :thumb:
My son's name isn't Taylor Kraft and I won't disclose it in the public forum. All I can say is that he attends Wakeland HS in Frisco.

If you want, send me a private message with your email address and we can talk further.
