Minuteman Scholarship


Jul 6, 2015
Hi I am currently an enlisted reserve soldier heading to college in the fall. I will be doing Army ROTC since I want to commission. Just recently I noticed something called a Minuteman Scholarship. Can anyone provide me detail about people who have gotten the scholarship.
The minuteman scholarship covers the same tuition, books, and stipend that the regular scholarship covers.

The BIG difference is that if you use the Minuteman scholarship you will be required to fulfill your service obligation in the Reserves. You will not be allowed to go Active Duty.

You will also be required to participate in the SMP program.

If you have any desire to serve Active Duty think hard about accepting the Minuteman Scholarship.
When they mean it’s an eight year obligation do they mean 8 straight years in the reserves or 4 years in the reserves followed by four years in the IRR?
For the Reserves:
Scholarship: 8Yrs actively drilling
Non- Scholarship: 6 + 2 IRR

In order get the MM scholarship, you need an endorsement letter from your 2-star commander, and an acceptance letter to an Army ROTC BN. Once you have those, the ROTC BN will process the scholarship application. Your first step is to talk to you USAR chain of command about it, as they initiate the process. As mentioned earlier, the MM scholarship is Guaranteed Reserve Forces Duty. You can not go on to active once commissioned. Regardless of getting a MM scholarship, you can still participate in ROTC once you are in college.
I am pursuing a minuteman scholarship, but I am second guessing it and I think I would prefer being active duty. My end goal is to be a JROTC instructor and that requires active duty service. After serving my 8 years for the minuteman scholarship could I go active duty? How hard is that to do and what are the chances of me being able to do that? Also when would I sign my enlistment contract?
Going active from the guard isn’t impossible- but nearly so. Who’s to say what the environment looks like in 4 years. If you have any doubt do not take the minuteman scholarship. We’ve seen too many GRFDs ask “how do I go active duty” after doing ROTC and seeing the active duty cadre and saying “I want to be like them.” The PMS looks at them and asks - were you coerced into signing your enlistment contract? Unless you are going to take over the family business or something like that, think long and hard. But if you are sure, the Minuteman is a heck of a deal.