MOC Essays


10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Apr 16, 2009
So I am reapplying to USMA this year for the Class of 2015. I looked at all my MOC application's...and they want the same essays. Like the essay, "Why I Want to Attend West Point"...well my reasons of why I want to attend West Point really haven't changed that much(just my want has increased :p). So, this might sound stupid...but should I keep my essay the same, or should I change it in some various aspects? Thanks.

Personally, I would keep it much the same but emphasize in there somewhere that this is your second attempt and how much more serious you are and how you've learned/benefitted from the year of experience. You know, something like "receiving the TWE last year made me realize the depths of my desire to attend WP". :wink: You get what I mean - just a bit more in there making them realizing you ARE serious about this and are a bit more mature (or will be!) than their average candidate. Totally just my opinion though!
Helpful Hint**

Before you do all those essays and applications again - call the MOC's nomination office. Many MOC's will carry over your application from one year to the next and only require you to update your nomination packet. This is especially true if you won a nomination last year but was not selected.
I would keep the same essay but work on it to make it that much better! And do include your determination as this is your 2nd attempt. Good Luck!
I agree with Just A Mom--check with your MOC office first. Both of our senators and our congressman offices carried the files over. Their only requirement was a letter informing them that he had reapplied. Keep your file updated--he sent an updated resume with his letter. I know what you're going through as a reapplicant--good luck
Thank you everybody for your replies!! They were extremely helpfu, and thank you for saving me from having to submit applications I didn't need. Two of the offices(cong, and one sent.) will allow me to just update, although they still want essays submitted, and only one I have to completely reapply to. Thank you everybody for all of your help!:thumb:
