I am a rising senior male. I am going for the Army ROTC scholarship. I am an Eagle Scout. Just Attended Boys State. I have probably 100 volunteer hours. GPA is 3.4. Probably get it to 3.5 by end of year. Scored 1090 on SAT, but think I will get that higher. I ran track in high school, played soccer. My main sport is lacrosse and will play again next year. Will have 2 letters in that. I am in several clubs. Was student rep for incoming FR. Did a Rotary club leadership program. Interned at local science center. Worked 10 hours a week doing 2 jobs. I would like to do business/econ as a major and looking for any of the SMCs, South Carolina, NC State. VMI is my #1 choice. Do you think I have a chance at a scholarship? I think the SAT is going up at least 50 points. What else can I do to increase my chances? Parents can't afford VMI without a scholarship. I have attended several camps and overnights at VMI so I know what I would get into there and it's still my #1.
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