New Chat Feedback


Jun 8, 2006

Please provide feedback here on the new chat system, Addonchat. We hope that this new system meets your needs, but if it does not we'd like to hear about it.

Dear TN, About 10 of us used the addonchat last night. It worked out okay. We have requests for more smileys similar to those that were on flashchat. Maybe some more of the fun noises to add on to the 3 existing ones. It is a chat room, and we are happy for that. If it helps to keep the forum running smoothly to use this addonchat, then we are happy! Thank you for your great work.
If you can add more smileys and sounds, we have a list of suggested ones :-) Have a great day!
Dear TN, About 10 of us used the addonchat last night. It worked out okay. We have requests for more smileys similar to those that were on flashchat. Maybe some more of the fun noises to add on to the 3 existing ones. It is a chat room, and we are happy for that. If it helps to keep the forum running smoothly to use this addonchat, then we are happy! Thank you for your great work.
If you can add more smileys and sounds, we have a list of suggested ones :-) Have a great day!

Thank you for the feedback.

Because Addonchat is hosted separately and embedded in the forum, there are unfortunately a limited number of options. I will look into the smileys, but I don't think we will be able to do that.

It is possible to add avatars, though, so that is something that makes this chat more powerful. The advantage to this chat is that it is hosted on a separate server, and thus does not impact our server. It can thus hold many more people than FlashChat would be capable of.

I will continue to look at other chat programs that offer a better experience for our users. Thank you for the feedback.

I personally like flashchat more because there are many more options to use inside the chat room, but as long as we have a place to chat I am happy :thumb:
I personally like flashchat more because there are many more options to use inside the chat room, but as long as we have a place to chat I am happy :thumb:

Could you elaborate on the options?

Also, smilies can be added, so I've been adding a few more of those.


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When you change your font color, in FC your name would be highlighted in that color so it was easy to recognize who was talking. you could create seperate rooms. you could private message people. Those are just a few.
When you change your font color, in FC your name would be highlighted in that color so it was easy to recognize who was talking. you could create seperate rooms. you could private message people. Those are just a few.

As far as I know you can change the color when in the chat. As for the rooms, I prefer to keep a certain number of specific rooms. If you have an idea for another room, please let me know and I'll look into adding it. Also, again I'm fairly certain you can private message people in Addonchat. Please let me know if I'm incorrect about any of this.


An option to play a sound when a message is sent on the chat would be nice. Also, typing "lol" automatically changes into a smiley. That's kinda annoying.
Chat room Access

Hi, I visited USNA yesterday. I spoke with a 4/c midshipman who had been chatting with parents and candidates on the old chat room. Turns out she can't access the new chat room from her computer any more. Apparently the new chatroom format is not compatible with USNA.
Hi, I visited USNA yesterday. I spoke with a 4/c midshipman who had been chatting with parents and candidates on the old chat room. Turns out she can't access the new chat room from her computer any more. Apparently the new chatroom format is not compatible with USNA.

We're currently looking for a chat that will meet our needs while allowing all of our members access. I apologize for the inconvenience, but we are actively working to correct the situation.

Thank you for your time.

Dear TN, Thank you for your prompt response! We look forward to whatever you can do for us! I am not sure, but I think the USAFA cadets have been able to get on the chat okay, not sure why USNA mids cannot.
TN, chatting on FB with an AFA cadet, he told me he has also been unable to join the SAF chat. Sorry...How is that going? We miss the "experience" of the current cadets, mids, etc.
should we just set up an AIM Chat address we can all use. like SAF Chat could be the name
What about Chatspace. It's a pretty good program, with strong coding.

Maybe someone from inside the SA's can try to access it's demo and see if that works.

you guys are so smart!

should we just set up an AIM Chat address we can all use. like SAF Chat could be the name

Devil and JBrown, I like your thinking! I will stand by for either! Would setting up a Facebook SAF chat be easy? I do miss chatting with all !
Devil and JBrown, I like your thinking! I will stand by for either! Would setting up a Facebook SAF chat be easy? I do miss chatting with all !

Since I'm still working on the chat systems, I thought I would test out the chatbox. Note that you can minimize it by clicking the arrow in the upper right-hand corner, so it won't display. I'm also working on where to put it.

Note that via the upper left-hand corner drop-down, you can view the chatbox in full just like a normal chat.

Please let me know your thoughts on this system.


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It's nice. But I think you're techy, like me. So I'm sure like me you already know the pros, and that's why you've gone that route thus far.

So forgive me, but I'll only point out the cons, since I'm sure that's all you need to hear at this point.

It's small, and as more and more folks jump on it, it'll be harder to follow the threads and read what just scrolled past. I could see 3 or 4 youngsters chatting so fast that the older slower parents, like me, might not find it that useful on busy chat days.

2nd, running on the same server could be detrimental to the resources of that machines processor and memory. I've seen similar sites using vbulletin that incorporated chat, and as the membership grew, so did the chatters, and the servers performance suffered.

3rd, Because of it residing on the main page, it can't get too large in size, so that limits the options such as different chat rooms, etc. Maybe you can have one main room on the front page, and links to "more rooms" that takes you to other pages. Maybe the front page can be the "foyer" and the other areas on a separate page/server.

If you need server hardware, let me know. I can probably donate some items to you. If you use hosting, that's irrelevant, but if you have your own idf/server room, I can get you some hardware.

It's nice. But I think you're techy, like me. So I'm sure like me you already know the pros, and that's why you've gone that route thus far.

So forgive me, but I'll only point out the cons, since I'm sure that's all you need to hear at this point.

It's small, and as more and more folks jump on it, it'll be harder to follow the threads and read what just scrolled past. I could see 3 or 4 youngsters chatting so fast that the older slower parents, like me, might not find it that useful on busy chat days.

2nd, running on the same server could be detrimental to the resources of that machines processor and memory. I've seen similar sites using vbulletin that incorporated chat, and as the membership grew, so did the chatters, and the servers performance suffered.

3rd, Because of it residing on the main page, it can't get too large in size, so that limits the options such as different chat rooms, etc. Maybe you can have one main room on the front page, and links to "more rooms" that takes you to other pages. Maybe the front page can be the "foyer" and the other areas on a separate page/server.

If you need server hardware, let me know. I can probably donate some items to you. If you use hosting, that's irrelevant, but if you have your own idf/server room, I can get you some hardware.



Thank you for the feedback. I was considering just having a link to a chat room. However, there's an option to go full-screen with the chat, so I think a smaller version and a larger version is the way to go for now.

I'm not too worried about server load at the moment because the refresh is not instant. If it becomes an issue though I'll work on it. However, that's the reason we moved away from Flashchat and thus I don't think this will be a problem as Flashchat wasn't.

Right now this is just a temporary measure to provide some chatting capability to our members while we work on a more permanent and robust solution. I'm actively searching for ways to make the previous chat systems (Flashchat and Addonchat) work, or to find a new solution.

I'm hosting, but thank you for the offer of assistance, I appreciate it.
