New Moderator: Jamzmom


Jun 8, 2006
I'd like you all to give a big welcome to jamzmom, the Service Academy Parents forum moderator.

Due to her involvement on the CC boards and the fact that she is a Service Academy Parent, I figured she was the right choice. I hope you will all pay her the respect she deserves as she tries to keep this place clean and tidy.

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Yes well. On my application, I had to sign a waiver that said that if Jamz goes Army at graduation from USMMA, Zap can break his legs. Then there was that thing I had to tell them about how many martinis I drink and that I dance to Locomotion (Bad Co. version) in my GO NAVY slippers. GEEZ, they grilled me!
jamzmom said:
Yes well. On my application, I had to sign a waiver that said that if Jamz goes Army at graduation from USMMA, Zap can break his legs. Then there was that thing I had to tell them about how many martinis I drink and that I dance to Locomotion (Bad Co. version) in my GO NAVY slippers. GEEZ, they grilled me!

We only accept the best.

Welcome!!! Also, if I can be of any assistance, let me know. Our son is a rising 2 degree and was also a Falcon Scholarship recipient. He attended Wentworth Military Academy, so I know that end too. Good luck and we will be talking to all of you as we go along this "journey."
He'll probably take the new Guard option and go home to protect Momma.

Also, is it just me or does the South Carolina flag remind you of something that would be better suited for an Arab Emirate or something? What is with the Cresent Moon and the Palm Tree anyway?
LFWB dad said:
Also, is it just me or does the South Carolina flag remind you of something that would be better suited for an Arab Emirate or something?

Nope. It's not just you. :confused:
LFWB dad said:
Also, is it just me or does the South Carolina flag remind you of something that would be better suited for an Arab Emirate or something? What is with the Cresent Moon and the Palm Tree anyway?

It's the crescent that gets me every time, although I must say that if there is one city in the US I would move to in an instant it would be Charleston.
I see they just let any old body be a mod on here. :D Don't you be making fun of my flag! Its the prettiest of any of them I say. Arrrgggg.

Take that baby! Our SC kids BELONG at USMMA. LOL
& lets not forget, "Carolina Girls: Best in the world!"

KP2001, I noticed that most of the talk I heard from the graduating guys, said they want to be in Charleston. My kid's goal is to come back home some day. He's had a life-long love affair with Charleston (& the belles that live there). :p
"I hope you will all pay her the respect she deserves as she tries to keep this place clean and tidy."

Wait a minute! What if we don't pay her the respect she deserves?

Just kidding! Excellent choice!

And JM, now you can tell your hubby that you're busy working for all the time you spend on the computer. Or better yet, it's community service.
momoftwins said:
"I hope you will all pay her the respect she deserves as she tries to keep this place clean and tidy."

Wait a minute! What if we don't pay her the respect she deserves?

I can't guarantee your safety.
I have only one special power. I can take away all chocolate & merlot privileges. :eek:

That is all.

I love to read your replies and posts on c/'ll make a great moderator :shake:
LFWBDad? "He'll probably take the new Guard option and go home to protect Momma."? LOL

Oooooo. I just re-read that. Oooooo. You sly dawg. Ya slipped by me. You got the wrong Guard though. He needs to get down here & Coastie up himself to get the Pirates - so you're half right.

Any reading material on the Guard issue yet?
The National Guard Officer and NCO are to be selected this week and be there for the beginning of indoc. BTW one of the KP wrestlers who is graduating Monday got accepted to BUDS.
Not to appear as I'm uninformed...... but what are the CC boards?