No TWE but bad news..any hope?


5-Year Member
Mar 18, 2014
Application complete since September, no word from USNA since. Finally got the nerve to call "someone" who is privy to this process and ask about appointments from my district. Unfortunately, this person delivered me a blow. 12 candidates from my district received Congressional and Senatorial nominations and were found triple qualified. 2 were offered appointments, both college freshman, one of which is an athlete; 6 received TWEs already and the remaining 4 (myself included) are in limbo. No TWE and no Appointment as of yet. Anyway, my question is since there were only two spots open from my district and the two offers were accepted, is it over for me? I applied for all nominating sources available to me. I have plan B in place but like every other USNA candidate it seems, this was my dream and first choice above all else. Just wondering if there is any hope. Thanks.
You are still in the game until the TWE comes in the mail, as for you, if the academy wants you, they'll find a way to give you an appointment, regardless of the MoCs slate.
You could still get an appointment depending on how well your package compares to others in the pool of qualified alternates -- aka the national pool.
Hang in there. We are all in this together. Keep the faith. You're still in the game. :thumb:
There are those who a currently sitting on appointments that have yet decided to accept it. Many candidates receive appointments to multiple service academies. Ultimately, they have to choose. They will have to reject another academy's appointment. This is a very common occurrence. There are late appointments, sometimes as late as a few days before I-Day; although, this latter case is rare.

Some with appointments will decide to accept their ROTC scholarship or simply go to another school on a regular scholarship.

My sons (twins) sat on their appointments for months. The Naval Academy was not their first choice. They ultimately accepted those appointments (and have since graduated) but if their first choice had panned out (which it didn't), two lucky people would have received a very late notice of an appointment. This type of thing happens all the time.

You haven't been rejected. You haven't been appointed. It's frustrating. I understand. But you are not out of the running.

Prior to my son's congressional interview, a retired LCDR USNA grad who was coordinating the event explained to everyone that there were several college freshmen (repeat applicants) and recruited athletes who were also interviewing. He explained that if these candidates made it on the congressman's list of nominations and received an appointment, they would not count as one of the "beds" the congressman was allowed. He had one "bed" at each academy. I didn't confirm this, but assumed he knew what he was talking about since he had coordinated these events for several years.
You're not done yet this year but, don't forget one can re-apply next year. Many are successful on the second try. It takes great determination to go for it again and I believe the academies respect that.

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Okay...took your cue...called the congressman's office...said should have been contacted by now all Congressional appts are out for all academies in TX-22. Then I needed to know if something on the way or to wait on housing deposit for Plan B-4 Year NROTC A&M so I emailed the admissions counselor at USNA...'Notification is on the way 4/5 business days and could not give any other info'. I"m assuming TWE...we're proceeding as such...looks like things are moving. I figured he'd waitlist or National Pool or something...or the national pool is already going. Of course wife and I are mixed feelings...2 hours a way to College Station versus Houston to Annapolis...happy for that.
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I would also add that many colleges including the Ivies release their financial aid/scholarship packages on April 2nd I believe. Many candidates sitting on appointments may be waiting to see how those packages pan out before deciding to pull the trigger on a service academy.

Hang in there! I'd say by the middle of April, there will be a lot more folks with a more clear path following their graduations.
Okay...took your cue...called the congressman's office...said should have been contacted by now all Congressional appts are out for all academies in TX-22. Then I needed to know if something on the way or to wait on housing deposit for Plan B-4 Year NROTC A&M so I emailed the admissions counselor at USNA...'Notification is on the way 4/5 business days and could not give any other info'. I"m assuming TWE...we're proceeding as such...looks like things are moving. I figured he'd waitlist or National Pool or something...or the national pool is already going. Of course wife and I are mixed feelings...2 hours a way to College Station versus Houston to Annapolis...happy for that.

I am sorry to hear this for your son, sounds like he has an outstanding plan B however, I wish him the best in his future service. Maybe your son will follow in the footsteps of Texan Bobby Inman, a 30 year USN veteran- NROTC UT grad, retired admiral??
I would also add that many colleges including the Ivies release their financial aid/scholarship packages on April 2nd I believe. Many candidates sitting on appointments may be waiting to see how those packages pan out before deciding to pull the trigger on a service academy.

Hang in there! I'd say by the middle of April, there will be a lot more folks with a more clear path following their graduations.

The SAs should not be used as a financial back up plan - in my opinion. They should be only for students that truly want to serve their country as officers.

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