I agree with the above posters.
Honestly, I really couldn't care less if you were nominated or not. Why? Mainly because of multiple reasons.
1. I cannot really use this as a judgement issue unless the rest of the applicants all applied for nominations to an SA.
~ Not everyone in your peer group/age knows about the SAs, how would it be fair of me as the hiring source to give you bonus points/edge because your post HS educational desires requires a nom from an MoC when the kid wanting to attend Harvard does not require it?
2. What has this to do with your work ethic or experience?
~ I work for a national retailer. Does the nomination tell me anything about how you deal with customers? Knowledge regarding our company and our products? That you are a quick learner? Or you are reliable regarding showing up on time, working overtime, coming in at last minute to fill in when someone else calls out?
If you want to place it on the additional honors/awards or noteworthy part of your resume than fine, but when it comes down to it, I would not put any weight to it compared to the candidate that has on their resume that they are an Eagle Scout, 4 yrs on HS sport, in NHS, etc and has a 3.72 cgpa. Your resume just says that you received a nom., that many interviewers have no clue what that entails. The latter tells me that they are able to juggle many balls at one time and a better option.
Now, let's attack what justdoit discussed...an internship. Yes, if you are applying for a govt internship, than yes I would place it on my resume because it is an edge and they may understand the nomination process.
~ Our DS was an intern for our Sen. on the Hill (DC). He indeed placed it on his resume.
~~ Otherwise, I would consider it redundant. If you have a truly strong resume than that nom really adds nothing. As an employer, and using the assumption you are 17/18 from a competitive area than everything on your MoC nom packet would make you the latter in the scenario above, hence it is redundant.
As an employer/management my picture is different when it comes to the hiring process. My priority is a strong fit for my company, not just filling a hole. Your priority is probably a paycheck. Your nom. does not equate to being a good fit with the job requirements or the personalities within the organization.
Finally, if you want my best advice regarding what helps/hinders from a hiring aspect, it is 2 words. Social media. We do look at it. Thus, if there is anything you don't want a perspective employer not to see than clean it up now!
~ My DD interned for Make A Wish national HQ. She found out after she started, in a round about way, that they did look into here social media. They needed somebody to update their social media (FB and instagram) They turned to her and assigned her the project. She asked why? They responded that she was the only intern with an instagram account (this was back in 11). Her reaction was ???? Their answer was simple, you didn't think we would offer you an internship dealing with clients in life and death scenarios without looking into your social media account did you?
~~ IOWS, even if it is private, it really isn't. Your generation collect friends like halloween candy. Seriously, do you really have 200/300/600+ friends, or are you just accepting the requests just because they asked. I could easily find you just through the back door way....friend of a friend that is tied to you.