NROTC and university merit


Jun 11, 2016
I'm truly blessed to receive the national scholarship, but at the university of choice, I was also able to receive the merit scholarship (10k a year) to go towards tuition. Would the merit scholarship be used to pay for room and board, or will it go away due to the NROTC scholarship?
Maybe. It is institution specific, so you will need to call the school. Some schools just put the scholarship money into a big pot to cover all costs. Some will stipulate that it is only for tuition. Again, contact the school and see what their policy is. In addition, ask, if you lose the ROTC scholarship for some reason, would they reinstate the merit scholarship.
I'm truly blessed to receive the national scholarship, but at the university of choice, I was also able to receive the merit scholarship (10k a year) to go towards tuition. Would the merit scholarship be used to pay for room and board, or will it go away due to the NROTC scholarship?
Exactly what 5Day wrote above: The only place for the correct answer to this is at the university - you need to call the financial aid office and ask. The answer will vary from school to school. Posters here can give insight based on their experience, but you need to get the answer from the horse's mouth.
When you find out the answer, please post it - it would be interesting to hear what your college does in these circumstances.
I applied OOS to UW and was rejected, while the universities that offered merit (Purdue) said that all scholarships would be retracted for NROTC.
I applied OOS to UW and was rejected, while the universities that offered merit (Purdue) said that all scholarships would be retracted for NROTC.
I didn't realize that a state college like Purdue would offer hat much merit aid. Too bad they'll pull it if you get ROTC.
5 day +1. Every school does it differently.

DS received merit based scholarship equal to tuition as OOS at Big 10 public. The $ went into his account to use as he needed for books, Room and board, etc. AT THE UNIVERSITY.
5 day +1. Every school does it differently.

DS received merit based scholarship equal to tuition as OOS at Big 10 public. The $ went into his account to use as he needed for books, Room and board, etc. AT THE UNIVERSITY.
Your DS is a lucky duck sir, if that were my case Id have a full ride equivalent to a service academy! But paid tuition is already a big perk, so I'm not complaining
I didn't realize that a state college like Purdue would offer that much merit aid.

Welcome to the business of college education. There is the highest possible sticker price which establishes the bonafides of the school. High income and foreign families will pay that price. At the same time there are enough "scholarships" that virtually no one pays full freight other than high income and foreign families.
I didn't realize that a state college like Purdue would offer that much merit aid.

Welcome to the business of college education. There is the highest possible sticker price which establishes the bonafides of the school. High income and foreign families will pay that price. At the same time there are enough "scholarships" that virtually no one pays full freight other than high income and foreign families.
The Purdue poster was referring to a merit scholarship, which is what surprised me. Your post seems to be referring to needs based. The state public schools we've looked at don't offer full ride merit, or offer under $5k at most..
I didn't realize that a state college like Purdue would offer that much merit aid.

Welcome to the business of college education. There is the highest possible sticker price which establishes the bonafides of the school. High income and foreign families will pay that price. At the same time there are enough "scholarships" that virtually no one pays full freight other than high income and foreign families.
The Purdue poster was referring to a merit scholarship, which is what surprised me. Your post seems to be referring to needs based. The state public schools we've looked at don't offer full ride merit, or offer under $5k at most..

It's been a while but check U of Minn. Several years ago they had the lowest OOS tuition in the Big 10 and gave IS tuition to every surrounding state other than IA as well as to residents of Manitoba. Very generous. Maybe why they have one of best educated work forces, large number of fortune 500's, despite high taxes. They complain, but nobody leaves. They don't have Michigan's cache, but they do have results.
DS was awarded a merit scholarship at Auburn, it will go into his account and he can use it for anything, including living off campus. A 2/c MIDN that was very generous with his time, gave him a tour of the campus and showed him where he lives off campus, said guys with NROTC scholarships (also had high ACT scores which qualified them for a bunch of merit aid), living cheaply off campus, that they are actually banking a bunch of money.
Clemson withdraws merit scholarships from ROTC scholarship winners. It really does depend on the school. DS has chosen Clemson despite that fact.
It's been a while but check U of Minn. Several years ago they had the lowest OOS tuition in the Big 10 and gave IS tuition to every surrounding state other than IA as well as to residents of Manitoba. Very generous. Maybe why they have one of best educated work forces, large number of fortune 500's, despite high taxes. They complain, but nobody leaves. They don't have Michigan's cache, but they do have results.

Ohio State has been generous with my son with multiple merit awards that resulted in full tuition and 50% living expense but OSU remains his plan C. I'm an OSU alumni so it kind of surprised me. Their engineering program is well ranked.

His retort about any other university is always "It's not USMA."

Son was unable to complete any ROTC applications due to his shoulder injury. He was unable to complete the PFT in a timely manner.