I asked her in the middle of a jewelry show, about 5 minutes after spending an obscene amount of money on a ring she fell in love with.
Her passion is jewelry (she's a jeweler), so we were there to take advantage of the wholesale pricing. She had no idea the QUESTION was coming that quick, though. Caught her off balance.
As for the wedding date, who knows? We'll probably just fly out to Vegas one weekend and take care of it. She doesn't want the dog-and-pony show any more than I do.
Walls for the wind,
And a roof for the rain,
And drinks beside the fire -
Laughter to cheer you
And those you love near you,
And all that your heart may desire!
I assume that this poor woman is aware of your sordid past life as a sailorman. We'll all chip in and send her a gold plated and diamond encrusted rolling pin to keep you under control!
Congratulations and welcome back to the chain gang!
^^^^ Ignore that bit of advice. Sub, I say we gift the wife to be with a rolling pin with spikes in it rather than the diamonds & such. I've got that version & its worked for 27 years. Then again, I have a pretty good relationship with my hit man who I get a Xmas card from every year. I think he does gift certificates. I could get her that instead.....
Z, you made my day. Congrats buddy. Raising a glass to you both & the girls while repeating what Mike said.