Yea; during your months of leave after graduating, you "Come Out". You get your college degree, an honorable discharge, no service obligation, then move on to another job. And then get married heterosexually a year later and have 2 kids. YUP; definitely room for this to blow up.
There's really only 2 options.
a) Make sexual preference/activity a non issue. No DADT. Simply make it where it doesn't matter at all. This however will bring on certain social problems in the military. You can teach all the "Tolerance" you want, but that doesn't mean there aren't going to be certain social problems. The same thing happened initially with allowing Blacks to integrate into the military. There were problems. Obviously, there are still some racial problems, but they don't even compare to 50 years ago. They don't even compare to 10 years ago. And the don't even compare to our society in general today. There are some problems, but nothing like in the "Real World". The problem is, sexual preference is still a value that the vast majority of the country considers HETEROSEXUALITY to be the NORM and HOMOSEXUALITY to be wrong. Doesn't matter what you teach or condition people; this is what they believe as the majority. So if they want, they can go through the same lumps that integrating Blacks caused, and just deal with it.
b) The 2nd choice is to just make HOMOSEXUALITY unacceptable in the military. That is definitely an option that can be defended. And because it's societal, it is something that can be re-addressed every so many years. The problem with this choice is that certain homosexual advocates will have to commit to certain premises. I.e. "Most" advocates believe that sexual preference is something you are BORN with. Therefor, there would never be an excuse for someone enlisting or coming to the academy and claiming later on that they were gay. According to most advocates, you already knew this. Therefor, a "dishonorable" discharge would be warranted. Now I DON'T want to hear anyone saying that people didn't know they were gay at 18 years old. The gay advocates, in defense of gays/lesbians, say they were born this way. As such, it is an issue that you discovered during puberty. Or at least an issue you NEED TO CONFRONT prior to enlisting or applying to the academy. For the advocates to argue this, would require them to change their position and say that it "COULD" in fact be a "Learned Behavior". That would open up a whole other can of worms with the "Socially Acceptable" crowd.
Pretty tough choice either way you go. But you can't have it both ways.