Personal Items for INDOC


New Member
Jun 26, 2022
Class of 2026 here,
After reviewing the personal items recommended to bring, I was unsure as to what specifics might be helpful that aren’t explicitly stated. For instance, what exactly constitutes as foot care products? Is bringing moleskin a good idea? What about sunscreen and other skincare products? I’m aware the less you bring the better, but i’m just making sure there isn’t an item that everyone thinks “man i wish i brought that”. Thank you for your time
I would bring nothing more than what is outlined in the Logging In materials that you should have been sent to you. It can also be downloaded from 2026 Logging In. Logging In for instance specifically suggests for sunscreen to bring COPPERTONE SPF 50. There is a Ship's Store on premises and you can purchase many items there above and beyond what is listed in Logging In. Something like a blister that needs moleskin, you can probably get that taken care of at the infirmary.
Not sure if it is still the case, but I remember from my Indoctrination experience that most of us had blistering sunburns on the tops of our ears. I know that I didn't bring any sunscreen, nor did most of my classmates.
I recommend brining your own moleskin, and I also recommend pre-cutting it into some different sizes for easy use. This takes up no space. While going to medical is always an option, there are many scenarios where a blister or a rub burn would not rise to that level (in your own judgment) but would nonetheless be extremely irritating. A piece of moleskin can be quickly applied and works very well. Bring sunscreen too.
Again, I emphasize you read the 2026 Logging In (see 2026 Logging In) and pay attention to the list of needed items, which by the way can be purchased as a "bundle" and be available when you report.
I purchased the Plebe Kit and part of the items listed in there are sunscren coppertone spf 50, along with lip balm, bug spray, and even a serrated gerber knife. I was under the impression that if you purchased the plebe kit in advance, the NEX will have given that to the allotted leadership and we would receive the kit in its entirety at inprocessing and indoctrination. Is this correct or do we recieve the kit at a later date?
If they have enough items in stock, you should receive them the first day of INDOC. However, in recent years, they have not ordered enough of some items, and those plebe candidates who did not place their orders soon enough had to wait for some things. It is first come first served in the kits. It may or may not be the case this year.
You are limited to bringing a religious book (like a Bible.) But understand that you will have NO TIME on your own during INDOC with very limited time to sleep.
Is there still the Bearings Book? If so, and the content at Indoc 2016 seems to indicate it existed in 2016, you likely will spend a great deal of time memorizing it for plebe knowledge.