I know there have been several threads over the years here on Plan B but was wondering what others thought of the following.
DD recently cleared last hurdle(medical waiver) for getting appointment at USNA, one of her top choices. Problem(good problem to have) is that she also has offer from Notre Dame Mendoza school which is also one of her top choices. Doing a lot of soul searching now for what exactly she wants to get out of college experience and time afterwards but am wondering what others are think about having a plan B.
DD has been corresponding with a current plebe who said they lost about 20 from their class this year from PS. I know in some years they have lost more. Would be a shame to go through PS, realize that military or navy was not what they expected and lose opportunity to attend ND in fall as backup. Don't know what the kids that decide it is not for them do for a year.
Is it worthwhile putting a deposit down on the plan B school just in case things don't work out with PS? Would it be best to fully disclose to Plan B school in this situation or maybe even ask for deferring for a year? There's a lot to be said for fully commuting to decision and decline plan B if she decides on USNA route so to open spot for someone on waitlist. Also, lot to be said for not providing an easy out to bail when it will inevitably get hard during plebe year. I'm sure almost every plebe at some point has to dig deep to keep their determination when the going gets tough!
DD recently cleared last hurdle(medical waiver) for getting appointment at USNA, one of her top choices. Problem(good problem to have) is that she also has offer from Notre Dame Mendoza school which is also one of her top choices. Doing a lot of soul searching now for what exactly she wants to get out of college experience and time afterwards but am wondering what others are think about having a plan B.
DD has been corresponding with a current plebe who said they lost about 20 from their class this year from PS. I know in some years they have lost more. Would be a shame to go through PS, realize that military or navy was not what they expected and lose opportunity to attend ND in fall as backup. Don't know what the kids that decide it is not for them do for a year.
Is it worthwhile putting a deposit down on the plan B school just in case things don't work out with PS? Would it be best to fully disclose to Plan B school in this situation or maybe even ask for deferring for a year? There's a lot to be said for fully commuting to decision and decline plan B if she decides on USNA route so to open spot for someone on waitlist. Also, lot to be said for not providing an easy out to bail when it will inevitably get hard during plebe year. I'm sure almost every plebe at some point has to dig deep to keep their determination when the going gets tough!