Principal Nom to Appointment


Jan 4, 2015
Hi all. Just gotr the best news in the world from my MOC that I'm the principal nom. I'm qualified academically and athletically. Just waiting on the medical from DoDMERB, but shouldn't have any red flags. Anyone know timeline of an Appointment? Where in portal it'll happen? Reasons not to get one at this point? I'm ecstatic about it however still very stressed. Any words of wisdom would be great! Thanks to everyone on this forum for all the help in making all of this happen!
Your first notification of appointment will probably come from your MOC. Admissions informs MOC of appointment and then gives a few days to allow MOC to contact you before uploading appointment into portal - same area of portal as other notifications (3Q etc.). Afterwards, you will get hard copy in nice folder via mail.

Timeline - only the admissions gods know for sure. Likely first wave (January/February) as long as DoDMERB doesn't cause delay. But don't be surprised if this is your first lesson in "hurry up and wait."

Reasons not to get appointment? If you are 3Q and stay healthy, no reason that's outside of your control. Stay out of trouble and keep your grades up.
The waiting is the most difficult part. You'll be put on the NWL. And in late February or early March is when the appointments start going out. Mean while, continue to work on Plan B, stay healthy and strong. Stay out of trouble

Push Hard, Press Forward
Keep in mind that the academy may not know about the nomination until the slate is submitted. That can occur as late as Jan 31.
My DS was notified by phone that he is the number one nominee for USMA and it just appeared on his portal. There are two nominations listed: one with our state's congressional district (06) and the second is listed as (61). Does anyone know what this means? Thank you all!
My DS was notified by phone that he is the number one nominee for USMA and it just appeared on his portal. There are two nominations listed: one with our state's congressional district (06) and the second is listed as (61). Does anyone know what this means? Thank you all!

Pretty sure 61 is the senior senator. 62 would be the junior.
Oh, interesting! I thought that the senators and congressman didn't duplicate nominations. So happy for our DS. :)
It all depends on the region and congressmen. I was lucky to be in the same boat as your DS where as other kids in my area only received one nomination because their representative doesn't double nominate.
@azmilmom: If your handle suggests you are from Arizona, then I can tell you that McCain and Flake will not duplicate noms, but there are definitely dups between Senators and congressmen. Two years ago, our son received six noms between Schweikert and McCain.
@azmilmom: If your handle suggests you are from Arizona, then I can tell you that McCain and Flake will not duplicate noms, but there are definitely dups between Senators and congressmen. Two years ago, our son received six noms between Schweikert and McCain.

Yes, we are in AZ and I know the committees/staffers all talk to each other and that's why I was surprised. We will take them! Wondering what methodology each AZ MOC uses for submitting nomination slates. Anyone know?
Whatever methodology they want to. It can vary from one Congressman or Senator to the next.