Dear Carol Rich.
We never say "Cadette." Ever. The young women who attend West Point are Cadets, just like the young men who attend West Point. There is no need to diminish their status or make it sound cute. It is a hard won title that you have earned--just like the women who blazed the trail for you and your classmates.
Perhaps you did not know...but now you know...and can advise others who accidentally drift into this hot topic.
Cadets wear a dress uniform to most cadet formal events. For young women there are additional options including a mess dress style outfit with a full length black skirt and gorgeous short jacket. There are other events to which cadets wear civilian clothes in which case the cadets wear suits or dresses. You will be issued the mess dress uniform closer to the time you need it. I think 100th night is one of the times you get to wear a dress. Remember, even if you are not in an evening gown--the uniform you are wearing is a privilege that you earned and I bet you will look lovely. Definitely send your mother a picture.
I hope that helps to clarify the clothing requirements for formal events.
Dr Mom...and not 'Doctorette Mom' I am doctor, just like all of my male colleagues with the same degree.