Question on DD Form 785 Record of Disenrollment - "...has not incurred an Active Duty Service Commitment"


New Member
Mar 29, 2022
Hi - My daughter was involuntarily disenrolled from USAFA due to a medical disqualification. We recently received her DD Form 785 in the mail. Here are the contents that stood out on the form:

Section III: Reasons and Circumstances for Disenrollment
"C4C XXXX was involuntary disenrolled due to a medical disqualification."

Section IV: Evaluation to be Considered in the Future for Determining Acceptability for Other Officer Training
"#4 box was checked - Recommended if physical defect are corrected or if such defect are not disqualifying for other programs"

"C4C XXXX was disenrolled from the United States Airforce Academy and relieved from the United States Air Force due to a medical disqualification. At the time of her medical retirement, C4C XXXX has not yet earned a cumulative Grade Point Average, cumulative Military Performance Average, nor a cumulative Physical Education Average. C4C XXXX has not incurred an Active Duty Service Commitment."

Does anyone know what's the meaning of, "...has not incurred an Active Duty Service Commitment?" Does it have an impact of her going back to any military service or acquiring some military benefits due to her early medical retirement?
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Does anyone know what's the meaning of, "...has not incurred an Active Duty Service Commitment?" Does it have an impact of her going back to any military service or acquiring some military benefits due to her early medical retirement?

The first statement you ask about is simply that: she has not incurred a commitment to the US Military (in this case, the USAF) that she must fulfill. As for her going back to any service, that will depend upon what the medical disqualification was for. Lastly, terminology is important: she was not "medically retired" she was disenrolled. There's a very large difference in the two.

Hi - My daughter was involuntarily disenrolled from USAFA due to a medical disqualification. We recently received her DD Form 785 in the mail. Here are the contents that stood out on the form:

Section III: Reasons and Circumstances for Disenrollment
"C4C XXXX was involuntary disenrolled due to a medical disqualification."

Section IV: Evaluation to be Considered in the Future for Determining Acceptability for Other Officer Training
"#4 box was checked - Recommended if physical defect are corrected or if such defect are not disqualifying for other programs"

"C4C XXXX was disenrolled from the United States Airforce Academy and relieved from the United States Air Force due to a medical disqualification. At the time of her medical retirement, C4C XXXX has not yet earned a cumulative Grade Point Average, cumulative Military Performance Average, nor a cumulative Physical Education Average. C4C XXXX has not incurred an Active Duty Service Commitment."

Does anyone know what's the meaning of, "...has not incurred an Active Duty Service Commitment?" Does it have an impact of her going back to any military service or acquiring some military benefits due to her early medical retirement?
If she did not sign an obligated service contract, usually done at the start of the junior year at a service academy, then she falls in the zone of the two first two years a cadet can attend and leave, without incurring a service obligation, whether leaving voluntarily or involuntarily.
Regarding potential benefits - contact the VA and I suggest you use the DAV or a similar organization to help you understand what benefits she might qualify and how to apply.

Also, she should find out what ‘veteran’ benefits are available to her through the college university she plans to attend (if that is her plan) as well as state level programs for veterans.

She can also request a letter from the Usafa registrar to document her creditable service which could benefit her if she chooses to work for the federal government.

Sorry to hear she ran into medical issues causing her to be disenrolled. It’s possible she qualifies for a VA disability rating and some type of monthly compensation.
You can also reach out to your CVSO…County veterans service officer. They can be a big help.