Per the 2017 Curriculum Handbook (pages 23 - 24) for USAFA:
d. Course Load. When planning course loads, cadets should attempt to balance their schedules
as much as possible. The waiver authority for course loading is DFR.
(1) For the fourth-class fall semester, the maximum semester hour load is 17.5 semester
hours; the minimum semester hour load is 13.5 semester hours. Cadets determined to be
academically at-risk will take 4 academic courses their first semester and Learn Strat 101
(see para 6-5); the course loads for their first two semesters are determined upon entry
into the Academy.
(2) For the fourth-class spring semester, the maximum semester hour load is 21.25
semester hours; the minimum semester hour load is 14.5 semester hours. The semester
hour range for academically at-risk fourth-class cadets in the spring semester is 14.5 –
17.5 semester hours. In addition, academically at-risk cadets will normally be granted an
academics-plus-summer break slot in the summer prior to their third-class year. If an
academically at-risk cadet earns a 2.80 semester GPA or higher at the end of the fall
semester, is academically proficient, and passes all coursework in the fall semester,
he/she can opt out of the academics-plus-summer break slot, opening the opportunity for
other summer programs, such as Airmanship, Cyber, Space, and RPA courses.
(3) For third-class, second-class, and first-class cadets, the maximum semester hour load
is 22.0 semester hours; the minimum semester hour load is 14.5 semester hours. Cadets
in good standing may exceed 22.0 semester hours if they have a minimum 3.25
cumulative or previous semester GPA.
(4) The minimum semester hour load for the Wing Commander, Vice Wing Commander,
the four Group Commanders, the Wing Honor Chair, the Deputy Wing Honor Chairs, and
the eight Group Honor Chairs is 12.5 semester hours.