You can drop out any time you want, but there may or may not be consequences.
Theoretically your commitment kicks in at the start of your Junior/2nd Class year. Whether or not MARAD feels the need to go after you for the cost of your education ... ??? I've never heard of it happening, but who knows.
If you are class of '19 this is all in your paperwork somewhere if you still have it. If you want out but are afraid of MARAD, you always have the option of failing all your classes and getting disenrolled. It should only take one trimester if done right.
Another question: This is about the committment after graduation. It sort of confuses me. Is their an option to just serve your time out in the Naval Reserves without going to sea in the merchant marine industry or without serving on active duty? Can you just serve your time out in the Naval Reserves?
No. The commitment is for both and to separate masters. The sailing commitment is to MARAD, the Navy Reserve commitment is to DoD.
If my memory is correct, it is 5 years in the maritime industry (maintaining your license for 6 which theoretically forces one renewal) and a separate 9 (I think) years in the Navy Reserve.
Active Duty will fulfill both commitments.
You can drop out any time you want, but there may or may not be consequences.
Theoretically your commitment kicks in at the start of your Junior/2nd Class year. Whether or not MARAD feels the need to go after you for the cost of your education ... ??? I've never heard of it happening, but who knows.
If you are class of '19 this is all in your paperwork somewhere if you still have it. If you want out but are afraid of MARAD, you always have the option of failing all your classes and getting disenrolled. It should only take one trimester if done right.
No. The commitment is for both and to separate masters. The sailing commitment is to MARAD, the Navy Reserve commitment is to DoD.
If my memory is correct, it is 5 years in the maritime industry (maintaining your license for 6 which theoretically forces one renewal) and a separate 9 (I think) years in the Navy Reserve.
Active Duty will fulfill both commitments.
8 years in the Navy Reserve. Standard commitment is always 8 - even for the other academies. The differences are only in the active vs. reserve time. As a general rule - for every year of education paid for by the tax payers - you have 2 Years Of obligation.
The standard for the other academies is 5 active and then 3 Reserve, but the Reserve can be IRR or SELRES in most cases. For KP grads that 8 years is all IRR - in the SSRG Program, with a mandatory five years of sailing / working in the maritime industry. Or you can do the 5/3 as Active/Reserve and not have to work in the industry.