Questions over Senior Year


5-Year Member
Apr 13, 2018
Good morning,

I'm currently a JUNIOR in high school, and I have a couple questions over scheduling and the likes for next year.

- My school offers two .4 English Classes senior year. IB World Lit II and AP Senior English. The IB class is just that. More IB related, which would mean we would be focusing on IB goals, examining texts in relation to IB standards, and other IB necessities. The AP Senior English is a continuation of normal English classes. At the end of the year the AP Senior English has to do a senior project with researching any one topic and presenting to a flea market style room over it. The IB class has to write a play. I'm stuck deciding what to take because they're both equally difficult, but my thinking is to take the AP Senior English because it is an AP class? Does anyone have any input they could provide me on this matter?

- The varsity sport I play is in the spring (starts in march), and I'm PROBABLY (very likely) going to achieve the rank of Captain of the team senior year. HOWEVER, this would be AFTER most of the appointments are made and West Point has gone through the applications. I would really like this to be on my application because I know captain of a varsity team would help in my leadership traits. Could I put on my application that I'm presumably going to receive it?

- If anyone has any knowledge/relation on the West Point NCAA tennis team, please pm me.

My son knew he was going to be the captain of tennis and basketball when he applied.

After his application was in - when he was named captain of the team in basketball ... he submitted proof that he was captain of basketball to his admissions counselor.

He got his appointment before tennis started so he didn’t include it.

I would go to the coach and see if she would write a letter to submit stating you will be named a captain of tennis. If not - I would let them know you anticipate being a captain.
I would recommend the AP, not because it's AP, but getting experience doing research would be an important side benefit. So would the public speaking portion. Far more valuable life skills, unless you plan to become a playwright someday. Just one man's 2 cents/
Between AP and IB, take the English class that will bring out your best and allow you to learn the most. When you genuinely enjoy a class, you’re more likely to get a great grade. That’s a personal decision, in the end, and should have little to do with what “looks good” to USMA.