If you’ve got a kid with the main objective of serving this country as an Officer in what ever branch they deem to suit them best, help them find all opportunities to reach their goals. It’s a great learning experience for the entire family. ROTC should never never be overlooked. A humble opinion about what I’ve learned about KP thus far. USMMA produces Officers who go on to become involved as pilots, Intel, Homeland Security, NOAA, Marines through the Marine Ops program with kids at Quantico training while I’m writing this, ect. Heck even the Commander of recent space shuttle missions is a KP grad. I’d need a whole page of forum use to include the many options. Sea is only one small part of KP & the leadership skills learned from that year away are incredible. Just realize that you’ll want your young man/lady to have options across the board. In speaking with many kids & parents either at Academies or in ROTC programs over the last few years, I have come to the conclusion that if they get in to any of these elite programs & are achieving what they set out to do, then door #1, door #2 & door #3 are all win-win situations. Research them all well & you’ll never regret a lost opportunity.