Sadly I did not get in this year, but I am reapplying; at the crux of it all, I want to serve in some way or another.
I have already talked to my RC at WP and my BGO at Annapolis about what materials I need to submit in terms of reapplying, but if any of you all have experiences/tips/advice you would like to share about the process, please let me know (you can PM me too).
I am currently in a crisis of deciding which academies to apply for next year. I am looking at USAFA, USMA, and USNA. I applied to USMA and USNA this year, but the nominations didn't work well in my favor when I applied to 2, as I had to take risks which ultimately led to me not getting into either one. The area I am in is, in itself, super competitive, so if possible I'd like to narrow it down to applying to just 1 or 2 academies. I have the most insight on West Point because I went to their SLE and my sibling goes there.
I want to major in International Relations (my BGO provided wonderful insight in this from experience) and most likely major in French. I am also brushing up on Korean. Politics/law related is hugely an interest to me as well. I want to branch in Intelligence, but if I get in, I really want to look into everything available and be open-minded. I am unsure of which academy will provide the best opportunity for me in this area, as I feel like all academies would. Any insight/tips/advice would be greatly appreciated in terms of helping me find the right academy choice for this study.
Ultimately, I am trying to "hurry up and wait", submitting everything as early as I can and avoiding all the mistakes I've made this time around. I've struggled and crawled through the waiver process for my knee once already, so I'm glad DODMERB is valid for 2 years. I want to see if I can visit the academies (though Colorado may be difficult I can visit the others), speak to Admissions in person if possible, and get a REAL look at each academy, the good and the bad. Even though I have some insight on West Point, I still want to see if I can visit because I know there are tons of 'gray' days that I never saw at SLE.
Here's one thing I'll definitely avoid for next year: maybe when my Senator asks me where I'm applying, I won't freeze up and say West Point (which is ingrained in my speech due to having family go there) but will instead be formal and say the United States Military Academy.. I was so glad to hear I still got that nom.
Again, any insight/experience/advice/tips are greatly appreciated. Thank you all in advance
I have already talked to my RC at WP and my BGO at Annapolis about what materials I need to submit in terms of reapplying, but if any of you all have experiences/tips/advice you would like to share about the process, please let me know (you can PM me too).
I am currently in a crisis of deciding which academies to apply for next year. I am looking at USAFA, USMA, and USNA. I applied to USMA and USNA this year, but the nominations didn't work well in my favor when I applied to 2, as I had to take risks which ultimately led to me not getting into either one. The area I am in is, in itself, super competitive, so if possible I'd like to narrow it down to applying to just 1 or 2 academies. I have the most insight on West Point because I went to their SLE and my sibling goes there.
I want to major in International Relations (my BGO provided wonderful insight in this from experience) and most likely major in French. I am also brushing up on Korean. Politics/law related is hugely an interest to me as well. I want to branch in Intelligence, but if I get in, I really want to look into everything available and be open-minded. I am unsure of which academy will provide the best opportunity for me in this area, as I feel like all academies would. Any insight/tips/advice would be greatly appreciated in terms of helping me find the right academy choice for this study.
Ultimately, I am trying to "hurry up and wait", submitting everything as early as I can and avoiding all the mistakes I've made this time around. I've struggled and crawled through the waiver process for my knee once already, so I'm glad DODMERB is valid for 2 years. I want to see if I can visit the academies (though Colorado may be difficult I can visit the others), speak to Admissions in person if possible, and get a REAL look at each academy, the good and the bad. Even though I have some insight on West Point, I still want to see if I can visit because I know there are tons of 'gray' days that I never saw at SLE.
Here's one thing I'll definitely avoid for next year: maybe when my Senator asks me where I'm applying, I won't freeze up and say West Point (which is ingrained in my speech due to having family go there) but will instead be formal and say the United States Military Academy.. I was so glad to hear I still got that nom.
Again, any insight/experience/advice/tips are greatly appreciated. Thank you all in advance

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