SAT scores


10-Year Member
Jan 13, 2007
Hey guys,
Well, I have finished my application for the USAFA class of '03, and I was wondering if you guys could take a look at these SAT scores, and tell me if they're competitive. Yeah, I know you probably answer this question a lot, but if you could give me some insight, that'd be great.

Reading: 600
Math: 610
Writing: 660

Well, hopefully you are apply for the class of "13" and not "03". Or you have a REAL LONG time to wait. :shake:

But honestly; Here are some stats if you're interested for comparing:

Stats for the Class of 2012:
47 prior enlisted
17 percent either high school presidents or VPs
62 percent in academic honor society
95 earned athletic letters
30 percent were in a band or orchestra
28 percent were Boy or Girl Scouts
9 percent were Civil Air Patrol
13 percent Junior ROTC
The high school grade point average was 3.85
SAT scores averaged 1,290. (Normally CR and Math). I believe Writing scores are now being considered also.

So, to answer your question. I believe your scores are somewhat close to the average. Possibly on the lower side. I think with all 3 tests being scored, you will find that the average sat is going to be around 1900-1950. The air force will take the best scores from all tests. So it is advisable to take not only the SAT, but also the ACT. My son got a 19XX something on the SAT and a 30 on the ACT. But, they took the best of BOTH tests. Just like if you retake the SAT and went up in some and down in others, they would keep the HIGHS for both times. Good luck to you. later.... mike.....
Yeah, I'm applying for '13. So, you say they're on the lower side: will that hurt my chances? Should I take it again? I have a really strong record otherwise, so this is my only concern.

Thanks for your input
You should take the SAT/ACT as many times as you can afford. Remember, the academy takes the highest of each test. So, if the math is higher this time then next, they will keep this one. And if the reading is higher next time than now, they will take the new one of those. It can NEVER hurt to retake the tests. Again, I also suggest taking the ACT if you can. Most people score higher on those.

Most important, there is no way to say if there is a real impact on your current scores. Your final "SCORE" used to determine if you will be offered an appointment to the academy has many facets. You will be scored of course on your SAT/ACT; but also your GPA; class ranking; leadership positions; volunteer time; extra curricular activities; sporting involvement; etc... So, it's difficult to answer. I have seen people with 1800-1850 total SAT scores get in. They had a 4.0gpa unweighted; all AP/IB classes; ranked in the top 1% of their class; etc.... That made up a lot for a bad day of testing. Just like a 2200 SAT can make up for a 3.80gpa; SOME AP/IB classes; class rank of top 10%. It's a FINAL score process. later.... mike.....
Thanks again. Yeah, I'm basically in the situation you talked about (1800 SAT...): at least I hope.
I took the SATs three times and the third time I got:
Those scores got me a Nom and an LOA, so I'd say you are ok too....

Did you take the ACTs?
Hey, thanks for the reply. Yeah, I'm a little nervous about my scores, but I guess they'll be fine (actually, I'm nervous about the whole thing!). And, yes, I took the ACT, but two of the sections I didn't score well on. Plus, the ACT deadline has passed, so... Hopefully these SAT scores will get me in, although my math score is pretty low. Thanks a lot for the input. If you have anything else, just let me know. Hopefully I'll see ya in June.
Well it's not too late to take the SAT again.. If you are really concerned about your Math score (I wouldn't be, but that depends on if you are confident in the rest of your stats for your app), you can always take the subject test and only test Math, not reading or writing... But yeah, anytime.. I'm glad to help
Hey, thanks for the reply. Yeah, I'm a little nervous about my scores, but I guess they'll be fine (actually, I'm nervous about the whole thing!). And, yes, I took the ACT, but two of the sections I didn't score well on. Plus, the ACT deadline has passed, so... Hopefully these SAT scores will get me in, although my math score is pretty low. Thanks a lot for the input. If you have anything else, just let me know. Hopefully I'll see ya in June.

Christcorp gave you some very good information. You should go back and re-read it.

Your scores are above the minimum acceptable for admission. Does this mean you are "okay?" NO. Does it mean you're "in trouble?" NO.

What does it mean? It means that when the entire package (that's YOU) is evaluated, you will not be eliminated for not meeting a LEGALLY required standard for admission. However...your SAT scores are (as CC said above) ONLY one part of the entire package. You will ultimately be given a weighted composite score (you won't know what this is) and that score will determine where you fall in the process. It's derived from ALL that you submit, all that your ALO submits (their eval is a part of it), your teacher recommendations, your CFA score, and EVERYTHING that your ALO asked you about, you submitted in your package, etc...etc...

So..."IF I WERE YOU" would I accept these SAT scores and move on without another try? NO. I would take the SAT and the ACT as often as you can. You can NEVER hurt yourself by testing again as only your highest scores are recorded by USAFA.

Bottom line: IMHO you should NEVER cease trying to better your position in the competition. EVEN if you are one of the fortunate ones to receive an LOA or a regular old (90% of folks get these) must continue to press ahead with vigor or you risk it all.

You can relax in the quest for appointment the minute you get off the plane/bus at USAFA on reporting day.

Good luck!


Stephen E. Wood, Lt Col, USAFR
Deputy Liaison Officer Director for Arizona
USAFA 1983
It may be too late to register for the December 6th SAT, but there is one more in January. I don't know about the ACT test days. Everyone is right; it's a free shot at improving your application and you should take it. You might consider sending the current scores to all the regular colleges that you are going to apply to so that if you ....You'll do fine. Retake the tests.

Thanks so much guys for the great insight. Sorry, but I didn't mean to send the message that I was satisfied with my scores. I will certainly take the SAT again. However, I was just wondering how my scores looked: whether they were competative or not, especially in getting a nomination.

Anyways, thanks so much.

i got the same scores as you, except my math and writing were flipped. I got me a nomination with my senator about a week ago, but since i didn't finish my application till early November, there's no other way but to wait till march to hear back from the academy. Time will tell. I can't wait to find out, but i also don't want my senior year to be over :(