Saving the A-10

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Poor maintenance by the CG isn't the Navy's fault.
Wrong, the planes were worn out-overstressed-the rejects the Navy sent to the CG. Hence, the program came to a grinding halt after the accident. Where's your info coming from?
Ya'll got it all wrong. Why would you want to work for a living?

I told the truth! The CG is a cup cake. All these under paid-equality to the outside 24/7 rants ya'll make ain't what it's like on ole CG.

Ranked 84ish that sucks, I would have thought more like in the top 10.

Resume' time for clep and lits--34yrs of experience how bout you (I'd love to hear all about it)? btw, I didn't know "my kid"--who is much more than a son than you would ever know -- went to Kings Point- you have no right to bring my son into your crap-btw he turned down CGA and KP.

For the rest, I meant it! The CG is the best gig out there-I see it everyday! I would feel a lot better if my son was in the CG.

I guess I can claim nine years experience (in the Coast Guard), which I valued but obviously, it's not 34 years. So, you got out of the Coast Guard (as an officer) in 2012? Or are you also adding in your civilian time (I'm assuming you added your 4 years at CGA in).

I'm not trying to bring your son into "my crap." I'm trying to understand where cga82 of 2011, waxing about the love of his/her old ice breaker experiences went, to be replaced with broken-soapbox cga82.... constantly crying about disability and sleep apnea. Did something happen in the last five years to sour your experience?

I get the feeling you think the issues with the VA process are centered on the Coast Guard. They aren't. In fact, I don't doubt that Coast Guard veterans make up a very small percentage of disability cases.

Now you can say it's cupcake. That's fine. And I'm sure for a good portion of your career, you and your buddies were involved with missions while your DOD friends were in constant training. Obviously, since 2001, that has changed. I see nothing more "cupcake" about a 2-3 month patrol on a 210' or 270' foot cutter than I would for a year patrol on a 1,200 aircraft carrier. Yes, Navy ships are gone longer, but once they're back, they're also back longer. It's hard to "get a flow" going out for 2 months, in for a month, out for two, in for one, out for two, in for one... etc. You get the point. My 210' cutter was away from home for more time, in one year, than my Navy friends' frigates (which I found out while I was at a Navy school).

And if you think the Coast Guard is the best gig in town, inside or outside of the military, I recommend getting out a little. While there are certainly some very exciting things to do in the Coast Guard, the outside has some very attractive stuff going on that isn't rooted in 200+ years of tradition and government organization. Honestly, it's spot on Forbes 500 is pretty impressive when you think about all of the alternatives.

So honestly, cga82, what happened to you? Why the change? Why the USCG hate, wrapped in passive aggressive compliments? I just can't figure it out, so if you can enlighten me, I'd appreciate it.

And the other question, was Harker a classmate of yours? A guy at my church was at CGA for two years, but left before 2/c year. I think he would have been class of 1982 but I'm not 100% sure (I also know it can be hard to remember people who left so early). He regretted leaving but he had some good advice as I was applying.
Poor maintenance by the CG isn't the Navy's fault.

No-one is blaming-faulting- the Navy here but you! Same old tactics! The CG new what it was getting and made a bad decision. Unfortunately, the accident happened and brought an end to E2C.
I guess I can claim nine years experience (in the Coast Guard), which I valued but obviously, it's not 34 years. So, you got out of the Coast Guard (as an officer) in 2012? Or are you also adding in your civilian time (I'm assuming you added your 4 years at CGA in).

I'm not trying to bring your son into "my crap." I'm trying to understand where cga82 of 2011, waxing about the love of his/her old ice breaker experiences went, to be replaced with broken-soapbox cga82.... constantly crying about disability and sleep apnea. Did something happen in the last five years to sour your experience?

I get the feeling you think the issues with the VA process are centered on the Coast Guard. They aren't. In fact, I don't doubt that Coast Guard veterans make up a very small percentage of disability cases.

Now you can say it's cupcake. That's fine. And I'm sure for a good portion of your career, you and your buddies were involved with missions while your DOD friends were in constant training. Obviously, since 2001, that has changed. I see nothing more "cupcake" about a 2-3 month patrol on a 210' or 270' foot cutter than I would for a year patrol on a 1,200 aircraft carrier. Yes, Navy ships are gone longer, but once they're back, they're also back longer. It's hard to "get a flow" going out for 2 months, in for a month, out for two, in for one, out for two, in for one... etc. You get the point. My 210' cutter was away from home for more time, in one year, than my Navy friends' frigates (which I found out while I was at a Navy school).

And if you think the Coast Guard is the best gig in town, inside or outside of the military, I recommend getting out a little. While there are certainly some very exciting things to do in the Coast Guard, the outside has some very attractive stuff going on that isn't rooted in 200+ years of tradition and government organization. Honestly, it's spot on Forbes 500 is pretty impressive when you think about all of the alternatives.

So honestly, cga82, what happened to you? Why the change? Why the USCG hate, wrapped in passive aggressive compliments? I just can't figure it out, so if you can enlighten me, I'd appreciate it.

And the other question, was Harker a classmate of yours? A guy at my church was at CGA for two years, but left before 2/c year. I think he would have been class of 1982 but I'm not 100% sure (I also know it can be hard to remember people who left so early). He regretted leaving but he had some good advice as I was applying.

What a bunch of BLAH! BLAH!blah! Who the hell is Harker? I don't know!!! The ice breakers are the only real equivalent to be gone continuously for 6month deployments(even then the ports of call are great chile,panama, nz,austrilia,argen,alaska,greenland,halifax,bermuda,.san fran,seattle,alcalpulco........). You ain't talking to someone who ain't been there kid.

Hey Buddy-who's paying for all of this DISABILITY?

Nothing to figure, I love the CG it been good to me! The huge embellishment like gone 3 months hahaha just ain't reality(more like out for 3 weeks-in port usually us port fuel/food/maint-out for 3 and 1 more time to round out a 3 month deployment ). I work with 87's,210's done patrols with 270 Northland,dca on a windclass breaker,dca for 2 months in reftra on a 210-so you ain't telling me how these guys operate. Aviation flew falcons.

You did bring my son(my kid as you referred to him)into it-getting my experience from him at USMMA and was rejected by CGA. Sell those tactics to the Wooooo Poooo!

I'm just telling the truth!
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The huge embellishment like gone 3 months hahaha just ain't reality

Well... you're either been away too long or your memory is fading, because that's not a huge embellishment. It's not out of the question for a 270' and my 210' was regularly doing 2 months out, one month in. Or maybe you've just spent too much time thinking about 87's.
Gosh I thought the A-10 was a plane. Turns out it must be some top secret Coast Guard assignment that there is a lot of passion about.
So if Aquaman and Sub-mariner were to get into an argument...
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Could someone tell me, what the heck is "Wooooo Pooooo"

Aquaman hands down, Submariner is on Disability.
DC Comics comes out with Darkseid..... and then Marvel brings out Thanos (and admits he's designed off of Darkseid).
I give you that DC started it all with Superman and Marvel has copied a lot of it's characters but I like Marvel more because of the better character development. Talking comics here not movies. This is the rare case where doing it first doesn't matter doing it better is what counts and I'm talking Pre Crisis era DC. Yup slight comic book geek here grew up reading them.
No-one is blaming-faulting- the Navy here but you! Same old tactics! The CG new what it was getting and made a bad decision. Unfortunately, the accident happened and brought an end to E2C.

I take it back. I have sorta missed your insane rantings.
I just hope it's done from a mobile devise.... and that's why it's so hard to read.
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