Sea assignment

Yes. These days, especially on MSC ships, multiple cadets of both sexes can be assigned. Although they try to have same sex sea partners, my DD had a male sea partner for one sailing. The most important thing is that you get enough sea days in so that you can sit for license exams. Choose your sea partner wisely so you focus on getting your sea projects done and avoid getting set back. Compatibility is important, but this is not a pleasure cruise.
Yes. These days, especially on MSC ships, multiple cadets of both sexes can be assigned. Although they try to have same sex sea partners, my DD had a male sea partner for one sailing. The most important thing is that you get enough sea days in so that you can sit for license exams. Choose your sea partner wisely so you focus on getting your sea projects done and avoid getting set back. Compatibility is important, but this is not a pleasure cruise.
Back in my day, there were very many shipping companies that took on cadets. I honestly don't recall how they paired up partners regarding gender. On a couple of ships, I had to share a cabin with my sea partner. On half of my ships (3 of 6), I had no sea partner. To be honest, I don't recall investing a lot of time on my Sea Project, but I did get it done. I just really focused on being part of the engine crew, and I found that to be invaluable, especially post Academy.
MSC is basically a Navy ship operated by civilians. Warships are now co-ed.
My son sailed with two females, and ironically the way it works out he spent more time with one of the females than his sea partner, because of the deck/engine split.
I had classmates, a Male and Female, who went to sea together as sea partners. They recently celebrated their 27th wedding anniversary.
My son sailed with two females, and ironically the way it works out he spent more time with one of the females than his sea partner, because of the deck/engine split.
Or at least that is what he would like you to believe! ;)