So I haven't gotten an acceptance letter from the academy yet (really hoping I do), but I have already been accepted into the Northwestern Prep School. My brothers friend who is currently a sophomore in the academy went there because he missed the academy his first year by 10 people. When I told him I got accepted, he said not to go unless I get the falcon scholarship (which he did) because the wasn't actually worth college credits and about a third of his prep school class didn't get accepted. I have a very strong package (31 ACT, 3.82 GPA, ROTC officer, Eagle Scout, boys state, etc...) besides some academical stuff (like no foreign language), so I would like to assume that I would get the scholarship, since it is for people who are good in most areas except academics. So my question is, should I go to the prep school for 12,500$, which would highly increase my chances for the academy next year, even if I don't get the scholarship? Thank you.