Site update complete


Jun 8, 2006
Service Academy Forum Members,

The site update is complete. Please use this thread to report any bugs or issues with the software, or any suggestions for improvement.

For now the chat system is not enabled, but if there is enough interest in re-enabling it we can make that happen.

Thank you for your patience throughout this process, and a special thank you to all our supporting members who continue to make this site possible.

Thanks for all your hard work on this forum. I have learned so much!

Unfortunately, using IE 7.0. I can't see any Icons, pictures, or words on tabs (I get red x's). Initially, on AOL 9.0, I could see everything; but, once I cleared my cookies, I have the same problem in AOL. Maybe it is just me?

Thanks again!
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Which skin are you running, it can't be found in the lower left if it's the default or the lower middle if it's the custom?
I'm having the same problem, and I'm using Mozilla Firefox.
Which skin are you running, it can't be found in the lower left if it's the default or the lower middle if it's the custom?

If I go to default, I see more icons, but not the picture at the tope, and not all the icons to the right of this window as I type this reply.

Sorry to give you a a 3 Tylenol headache this early in the morning. I know how frustrating being a webmaster can be!

Thanks again.:rolleyes:
I'm in the process of uploading the appropriate files for at least the vertex skin to work.

Please post back if that works. Later I'll get the banner image into the default skin, but that should be the only thing wrong with the default skin.
Transfer complete, the vertex should be okay now.

I appreciate the help, so if you wouldn't mind please let me know what else is missing besides the top banner in the default view.
Okay I see some of the smilies don't work in the default, which is odd.

I'll get on that later today.

In the default skin there is no HOME button in the top menu. Couldn't remember if there is suppose to be.

Yeah I need to load that image into the server for that skin, I'll be doing that later today.

When using "Vertex Blue" style, there is no "New Posts" button available at the top as there is in "Default Style."
Much improvement in the last couple of hours! On AOL 9.0, home page looks fine. In IE 7.0, Vertex blue, some icons on my right as I type this message are still missing.

Thanks again for all of your hard work!
Alright the smilies should be working now, I'll get cracking on the homepage banner when I get a chance.

As far as the new posts, was that a part of the vertex skin before the change?
got the icons up! :thumb::thumb:

Yes, Vertex Blue skin. Picture used to be at the top of the screen in IE 7.0, if that is what you are asking.
Please note that the database errors (like that just experienced) are host-side errors. I'm in contact with our host to see what can be done to decrease the frequency of these, but for now there's not much I can do.
As far as the new posts, was that a part of the vertex skin before the change?

I don't know for sure, I've always used "default."

I immediately noticed the difference when I switched over to try "vertex."

It's the most useful button on any vbulletin-based forum, its absence was noticed immediately.
new posts in vertex skin

TN asked:
As far as the new posts, was that a part of the vertex skin before the change?
To access new posts with the vertex blue skin, click on the "links" tab, then on "today's posts". There has been no change in this feature with the update. I have been using the vertex blue skin for about a year.

The SA Forums page loads much faster. Thanks Tactical Nuke!
TN asked:

To access new posts with the vertex blue skin, click on the "links" tab, then on "today's posts". There has been no change in this feature with the update. I have been using the vertex blue skin for about a year.

The SA Forums page loads much faster. Thanks Tactical Nuke!

Thanks, I didn't know about that feature as I've never used it. :thumb: