Summer training for rising MS2s ????


Nov 15, 2015
Kind of a whole new world being one semester in but still not contracted since he has a 3 yr the hearing PMS giving feedback that sounds like DS and some of the cadets that are being active trying to earn school based scholarships will be offered contract status after the APFT test in Feb. They also just got forms for those interested in training slots over summer (Airborne, Air Assault, SEER, Dive...) DS was told to request the last training time because he was going to have to go to Summer Training that he thinks is CIET. That seems to be changing who goes year before last it was requirement for all the 4years to do prior to first year then there were posts and news links saying only those that were going into second year of ROTC without having been in first year. He doesn't have dates on any of this yet. Has anyone heard new info on the New training or CIET or everyone or just those that have not been in training.
I am in the exact same position as your DS. I am a 3 year winner and passed my PT test in Jan. with a 295 but was told that there is not enough money for any scholarship upgrades throughout the entire battalion. I was considered competitive for Airborne school within my battalion until I found out I will not contract until next fall. To do any summer training you MUST be contracted. Also, freshman RARELY go to any schools over the summer after their first year regardless of their scholarship status, sophomores get first pick, then juniors, then freshman. The best training I could get this summer is OPFOR for Cadets attending CIET.
Thats the only slot my Cadre would give me. CIET is used to enhance skills or catch up new cadets. Not teach or solidify information for Cadets who already have it together. Therefore the best I could get is an OPFOR slot because I begged my Cadre to literally give me any training opportunities they could find. I hoping to receive an Airborne slot for the Winter course after I contract next fall.
My DD applied for Project Go because it was one of the only options available for non-contracted cadets. Plus she enjoys learning new languages! It is through the DOD so cadets from all the services can apply, she should find out Friday if she was accepted.
They also just got forms for those interested in training slots over summer (Airborne, Air Assault, SEER, Dive...)

Airborne and Air Assault are a possibility, The Combat Dive school is very very rare and need battalion approval, I would "Highly" doubt they would ever send a cadet to SERE-C training. There are other schools that come up infrequently such as Mountain Warfare, Sapper (Again very rare) and others. It will be unlikely he will be offered any of these for the summer following his freshman year.
Airborne and Air Assault are a possibility, The Combat Dive school is very very rare and need battalion approval, I would "Highly" doubt they would ever send a cadet to SERE-C training. There are other schools that come up infrequently such as Mountain Warfare, Sapper (Again very rare) and others. It will be unlikely he will be offered any of these for the summer following his freshman year.
He knows the slots for Diver training are hard. He has done volunteer work with a couple of the instructors since we live in Key West. He has been a Master Diver since he was 15. He knew he wouldn't be able to try for it even if there was a slot this summer since he won't be 18 till August. When you have a wish school you have to do everything you can to prove you are worth the slot. You also have to let your PMS know they even have someone that wants to try for that dream school. DS was letting the ROO know from start he wants AB/AA and if possible Combat Diver. Not to mention I could actually go to his graduation. ;-)
My DD applied for Project Go because it was one of the only options available for non-contracted cadets. Plus she enjoys learning new languages! It is through the DOD so cadets from all the services can apply, she should find out Friday if she was accepted.
Wow I hope she gets it! I wish DS knew about this before deadline He thought he had to wait till he contracts to apply for CULP. Thanks for shearing that might help one of this year's non-contract cadets. I learn something new to share with DS everyday.
Thats the only slot my Cadre would give me. CIET is used to enhance skills or catch up new cadets. Not teach or solidify information for Cadets who already have it together. Therefore the best I could get is an OPFOR slot because I begged my Cadre to literally give me any training opportunities they could find. I hoping to receive an Airborne slot for the Winter course after I contract next fall.
Good luck I hope you get the classes you want!! Thanks for the info on CIET/OPFOR.
Wow I hope she gets it! I wish DS knew about this before deadline He thought he had to wait till he contracts to apply for CULP. Thanks for shearing that might help one of this year's non-contract cadets. I learn something new to share with DS everyday.

Just to make sure I did not mislead, CULP is for contracted cadets only, my daughter was very disappointed about that because she wanted to apply and did not contract until last week, and the deadline was in October. She had mentioned it to her Advisor, and he is the one who told her about Project Go, which is completely different. It is a scholarship program that all ROTC cadets can apply for, Army, Navy, Navy MO, AF, etc. and contracted or non-contracted. Basically you apply to learn a critical language that is deemed important to the military, and you select a program with the language you are interested in learning that is being offered through a college. It can be any Project Go college that offers it, it does not have to be the same college you are attending during the school year, unless it is one of the SMC, they usually only allow their own students to apply for the summer program. My daughter goes to University of Portland, which is not a Project Go school, however, she applied to learn Russian through Arizona State University. If she is selected, she would attend ASU this summer for 8 weeks at their Critical Language institute, then be immersed in the everyday life in a Russian speaking city in Kyrgyzstan for 4 more weeks. All expenses would be paid for by the DOD, travel, tuition, fees, books and room and board (she has to provide her passport, any required immunizations and spending money). She could of selected other languages, but most of those programs were either entirely domestic on a college campus, or completely abroad, and she wanted to do the hybrid program. She will be expected to keep up on her Russian afterwards and since she is in nursing might not have time in the summer to do the other levels, so she also chose Russian because we live in a region with a high population of Russian speaking people and she knows quite a few native speakers to practice with. The deadline was January 17th and she was told that she would be notified on February 17th. Just like last year with the ROTC scholarship process, it is more waiting!
Just to make sure I did not mislead, CULP is for contracted cadets only,
Yes; DS knew about CULP and deadline is during Fall semester. I looked up the Project Go website There are some all abroad, all domestic and both sections. I was only comparing the all abroad to CULP in that it is an immersive program But I did over simplify the comparison. I hope your daughter gets it. DS only looked at the abroad options and said they all were deadline in Nov or Jan. He also said he wants to wait to see what the training his CPT is talking about.
Yes; DS knew about CULP and deadline is during Fall semester. I looked up the Project Go website There are some all abroad, all domestic and both sections. I was only comparing the all abroad to CULP in that it is an immersive program But I did over simplify the comparison. I hope your daughter gets it. DS only looked at the abroad options and said they all were deadline in Nov or Jan. He also said he wants to wait to see what the training his CPT is talking about.

I figured you were just making the comparison, but wanted to make sure I did not mislead.

It is so great these kids get so many options. My DD is unclear about CIET as well, being a nurse she will go to her advanced course a year earlier than most, after her sophomore year, so her cadre told her to go for Project Go and if she gets it (because she won't have time next summer for sure), they might need to waive CIET if it is required this year, they said they have still not gotten the final word if it will be optional or not.
It is so great these kids get so many options.
I appreciate so much people sharing programs we knew nothing about and realistic looks at those rare wish programs so they reach for the wish but still also use realistic looks at the more likely options. It is crazy in 3 and a half years they are going to be commissioned leaders.
DS got email today with packing list for what is called Cadet Summer Training (CST) at Ft Knox. I guess this is what is taking the place of CIET they have a contracted and un-contracted pack list both are basically the same. My son's unit is having a inspection to see who needs what ordered.
CST is just the generic term for all the Summer Training. CIET is back to being called Basic Camp, and LDAC/CLC is back to being called Advanced Camp.
CST is just the generic term for all the Summer Training. CIET is back to being called Basic Camp, and LDAC/CLC is back to being called Advanced Camp.
Thanks Mohawk! I'm just giving up on my ocd plan maker idiosyncrasies. I bought the stuff on his cadet provides list that he doesn't have. When time comes he just has to make sure he gets everything out of the dorms after finals.
Luckily my cousin lives near his school so we already had the plan for him to store his stuff there over summers. If need be he can leave his car there as well to fly out of there to camp. Not gonna stress it... (I said that like I meant it right?) lol