The hair situation- plebe summer 2019

West Point has allowed their plebe women to have long hair over Beast, and they have had problems with mold growing in women's hair.

USMA continues to play catch-up to USNA. There’s been mold in the walls of Mother B for years! Mold in buns — that’s amateur hour!
We never eat buns fast enough now that our DS is gone. Two people eat two buns with two burgers, then there are six buns left over. Oh sure, we sometimes make croutons out of them for salad, but I can't tell you how many times I have thrown out moldy buns.
My daughter has long spiral curling hair that reaches about the bottom of her rib cage. Thing Shirley Temple curls that just love to go POUF! in humidity or when sweating. IT also loves to dread lock itself around foreign objects. She has been in a uniform for 5 years now, the last two years, it's been 4 to 6 days a week because she goes to Military Academy.

She can get her hair up in a Marine Corps regulation bun and slicked down with no fly aways in about 2 minutes flat from hair fully down. It's just taken a lot of practice. So if you are going to keep your hair long, practice over and over, find what works using as few hair products as possible and do it. My husband and I have an album on our phones with photographs of the EXACT products to buy for her. No substitutions.

My daughter went to four straight weeks of Military camps in 3 states last summer, after three weeks of training Young Marine Recruits and USMC JROTC Summer camps. Her hair was up in a bun most of the summer. During the four weeks she was at military camps, it was only down when she flew from Oregon to Connecticut, and when I picked her up in CT to drop her off at Quantico. She had her hair in dutch braids for the first two weeks so she was able to put it into a bun in seconds. The last two weeks, she whipped it up fast or braided it wet so it was easier to put up in braids.

PREVENTING HAIR FUNGUS: I highly recommend using shampoos and conditioners with tea tree oil in them to combat any chance of fungus. If there is brand that your kid is married to, just add ONE drop of pure tea oil per once of shampoo. Any more, and your kid will end up with an irritated scalp. If you child has sensitive skin, add 1/2 ounce of tea tree oil per ounce of shampoo. Plus side to that? Tea tree oil has been shown in scientific studies to prevent lice too. I would recommend trialing this at home before leaving to make sure there are no reactions.

WRESTLERS AND SWIMMERS: So, I managed wrestling in high school, my best friend swam. They all had the worst acne, ringworm and other fungus nastiness going on before my decision to dump tea tree oil into their body wash and shampoo because I was told that it stifled the god awful smell of them and cleared up skin and acne. I inadvertently learned then that tea tree oil in body wash and shampoo kept away the ringworm, jock itch, lice, scabies and foot fungus. Our school avoided getting scabies at a meet when three other schools ended up with it. The guys also reported very small amounts to no ring worm, no jock itch, no lice, and no foot fungus. My friend who swam had a "cootie free" season.

WARNING: Do not use straight tea tree oil on your skin, it will cause a reaction. It must always be diluted with another oil or in another medium.
I'm thinking about getting my hair cut short like this for plebe summer:
Do you think it will still be long enough to get into a pony tail for PT?
I've had my hair that same length before and I don't think I was able to put it into a ponytail because it was too short. If you are able to put it in a ponytail, it's likely that pieces will fall out of the hair tie and get in your face, especially during physical activity.
I've had my hair that same length before and I don't think I was able to put it into a ponytail because it was too short. If you are able to put it in a ponytail, it's likely that pieces will fall out of the hair tie and get in your face, especially during physical activity.
The stylist will just have to measure the shortest the front can be and still make it to the ponytail then work from there.
that grossing you out cracked me up. You've dealt with grungy combat feet! FEET!!!! YUCKY.
My son's are the worst I've ever seen. My wife told him he needs a pedicure. I told him to do that any person. They would need power tools.
The class of 2020 had a young lady report with short hair for a young woman but not short enough for males. She was mistakenly directed to get in line for a haircut and the barber shave her head.

once the error was identified, the Superintendent made certain he spoke to the parents prior to the swearing in ceremony.

The young lady laughed it off. And had instant respect from everyone for being light hearted and positive about it

Not particularly germane to the OP, but a good story about haircuts on IDay
The class of 2020 had a young lady report with short hair for a young woman but not short enough for males. She was mistakenly directed to get in line for a haircut and the barber shave her head.

once the error was identified, the Superintendent made certain he spoke to the parents prior to the swearing in ceremony.

The young lady laughed it off. And had instant respect from everyone for being light hearted and positive about it

Not particularly germane to the OP, but a good story about haircuts on IDay
And I suspect she learned to speak up for herself after that too. She has one of those great alumni stories.