This just in...

no big surprise really - careerwise it was time to move on. could be a perfect fit for him.
Sorry to see him leaving, but glad to see him coming back to our state.

This could make for an interesting Georgia/Georgia Tech game next year.
aww....i liked johnson...

at least he's going to be close to home...
We'll see how he does now, with "wide-open-pull-out-all-the-stops" recruiting for a change.

His hands were too tied (a good thing, imho) by the high admission standards of a service academy to succeed at the highest level.

Nothing against the admissions standards of GA Tech, but now he will have access to some of the football players (2.0/850 SAT) that wouldn't have a chance at USNA.
Not at GA Tech - this is a tech school - even for athletes - need to be a top student.

SAT scores - 25%-75%
Critical Reading : 590-690
Math: 650-730
Combined: 1250-1400

High school students planning on attending Ga Tech need to at least be prepared to take Calculus their freshman year. NO fluff majors here.
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Not anywhere near a Service Academy in terms of academic standards and other non-academic requirements that even the football players must perform.

I predict that PJ will have Ga Tech in the top 25 (maybe) next year, and in the top 10 within 3 years.

Watch out ACC...
Much as we all hate to see PJ go, we had to know it was coming. He's done everything he could at USNA; and he's stated more than once that he wants to prove he can make his system work on the next level.

Wonder how many of the assistants he'll take with him?

If Gladchuk (AD) stays . . . he brought in one PJ, let's see if he can do it again.

And USAFA and USMA are popping the champagne!!
Not anywhere near a Service Academy in terms of academic standards
sure they are - their entering SAT's are higher for one. There are no liberal arts majors. I doubt you will find a freshman football player who came with a 2.0 and an 820 SAT.

and other non-academic requirements that even the football players must perform.

Absolutely agreed.
sure they are - their entering SAT's are higher for one. There are no liberal arts majors. I doubt you will find a freshman football player who came with a 2.0 and an 820 SAT.

You need to check their website. There are absolutely liberal arts majors at GT. It's the Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts.

Sorry. Great school; just no comparison to USNA when it comes to academics.

Not so fast on the academics of football players at GT. See this (scroll down to graduation rates -- GT is 55%):thumbdown:

GT is a great school but, like so many Div-I programs, football players may not be held to quite the same standards as the rest of the student body.

I know for a FACT of a GA Tech football player admissions at 2.0 and less than 900 SAT.

And GA Tech was recently (2005) placed on NCAA probation for using academnically ineligible football players.

Gene Marsh, a law professor at Alabama who chaired the investigating committee, said Tech's registrars and academic advisers were inadequately trained in NCAA regulations.

Marsh said the committee concluded the "institutional failure" to train the employees on NCAA rules "constitutes a non-debatable lack of institutional control."

Marsh said the committee was influenced by the fact some of the 11 football players, who were not named, were stars.

"Many of these student-athletes were prominent members of the team, including multiple-year starters who had received conference and national recognition for their athletic performances," Marsh said.

"It is impossible to say what part it played, but it did play a part," Marsh said.

Marsh said the committee found six student-athletes were allowed to count grades of D for satisfactory progress even though their majors required grades of C or better. Four were allowed to continue in athletics despite lacking the necessary percentage of degree requirements.

Paul Johnson will recruit exactly like everyother big-time college coach.
^^^ Word...

He's had such a great reputation at Navy, it would be disappointing to see the perception of him turned into just another stereotypical Div 1 coach fixated on the NC, and playing fast and loose with the rules to do it.