Transferring Out of USAFA


New Member
Dec 21, 2024
I am currently a freshman and just finished my first semester at the Academy with a 3.8 GPA. To preface, before I came to the Academy, I felt certain that this was the place for me; however, now, I’m not so sure because of personal reasons. I really want to stay at USAFA and will have a positive attitude moving forward but I want to be safe and submit a couple transfer applications in case I ultimately decide that USAFA isn’t the place for me. What are my chances of transferring to civilian colleges like the Ivy Leagues, Georgia Tech, Virginia Tech, USC, etc. I was also admitted to the Martinson Honors Program. Thank you in advance for your help!
I can’t speak to your chances - much will depend on their transfer policies, your HS and USAFA record, etc. You also have to consider how you are paying for it.

To add into your explorations, if you still like the idea of service, but maybe not in uniform, I just posted this in another thread:
And - just in case DS may like the idea of service to the nation but working in cyber is a dominant driver for where he sees himself, he can explore federal civil service scholarship options, such as:

DoD SMART Scholarship

DoD STEM Scholarships & Grants - SMART Scholarship

The SMART Scholarship Program provides STEM students with full tuition, annual stipends, & employment with the Department of Defense (DoD) after graduation.
Cyber Corps at participating schools:


Start your cybersecurity career with the U.S. government

Cybersecurity Scholarships

Scholarship recipients receive funding for cybersecurity-related degree programs, then serve in a cybersecurity role at a US government entity upon graduation.
Sample partner school:

CyberCorps Program Overview | Cyber Security and Privacy Research Institute (CSPRI) | School of Engineering and Applied Science | The George Washington University

Program Overview

And - if you haven’t done this, seek out resources at USAFA, perhaps chaplains or counseling center, to talk this through and ensure you will not regret this down the road. They will not criticize you, nor will they be surprised. Every SA cadet or midshipman has had doubts and thoughts of leaving. The fact you have moved on to actually exploring applying elsewhere tells me this is very real for you. The key is to be moving purposefully toward something, not running away from something.
The Ivies generally do not accept a ton of transfer students. At my school, over 1000 students apply for transfer each year and generally like 20-30 are accepted. Others are similar, but the acceptance rate for transfers is much lower than for first year applicants.
You "really want to stay," but you are looking at other colleges. It sounds like you need to do some deep thinking on what it is you want and how to achieve those things. Are those personal reasons transitory, or is the AF no longer what you want?

USAFA is a demanding place, and can bring doubts. Don't make long-term decisions based on short-term issues, if that's the case.
I'm going to echo @raimius a bit. You said: "I really want to stay at USAFA and will have a positive attitude moving forward but I want to be safe and submit a couple of transfer applications in case I ultimately decide that USAFA isn’t the place for me."

The "grad/ALO" in me has several questions.

1. Why are you at USAFA?
2. Related to #1, is your goal to become an Air Force officer and to serve your nation or something else?
3. What about the first semester of your four years has changed your opinion/desire to be there?

If the answers to these questions aren't immediate, then you have some thinking to do.
I am currently a freshman and just finished my first semester at the Academy with a 3.8 GPA. To preface, before I came to the Academy, I felt certain that this was the place for me; however, now, I’m not so sure because of personal reasons. I really want to stay at USAFA and will have a positive attitude moving forward but I want to be safe and submit a couple transfer applications in case I ultimately decide that USAFA isn’t the place for me. What are my chances of transferring to civilian colleges like the Ivy Leagues, Georgia Tech, Virginia Tech, USC, etc. I was also admitted to the Martinson Honors Program. Thank you in advance for your help!
I don't have the answer to the specific question you asked, but I'll tell you some about my experience (and also share it with the kind people of the forum who have seen me around for several years!). After my first year, I still loved USAFA and was excited for the future years there and in the USAF. However, around the start of my 3/c year, I began to feel that my long term desires for my career were diverging from the track I was currently on. So what did I do? I talked to my leadership, advisors, friends, and even my dept head to inform any decisions I would make in the future. I was trying to decide if I wanted to be in the Air Force, and I had very little idea exactly what that looked at. You don't know what you don't know. That's the main point, SEEK ADVICE. Especially during your 4/c year, you have a very small view of USAFA and a much smaller view of the Air Force at large, so talk to people who know more about it. Ask for the experiences of people who have done what you are considering doing and ask if they have struggled with the same questions you have. During this time, I also applied to a college (albeit not an Ivy League) to ensure that I would not have to take time off if I decided to leave. Personally, I think that's a good idea because it gives you options without having to take a year off school.

For me, the advice I received and deep thinking about my goals culminated in a decision to leave USAFA before the start of my 2/c year. I knew what I wanted to do and to be, and I found that commissioning into the Air Force was not the ideal path to get there. Without asking the advice of men and women much more experienced and wise than I was, I would have been taking a leap in the dark. I fully understand the fear of speaking out about a desire to leave, there is a lot of pressure on you in that way. But seek advice and consider things with a level, sober mind. Don't base your decisions on how much doolie (yeah, I said it) year sucks or how much you dislike Cadet XYZ for yelling at you last night. Consider your goals and the track you are on. For me, that contemplation led me to leave USAFA, and I won't lie to you: I miss it a lot.

The other thing I'll say is echoing the above. I would strongly recommend that you stay the course until after your 4/c year. USAFA is an entirely different place for the upper three classes. It will challenge you and improve your character in many ways. You don't "have" to decide until your 2/c year starts, so don't be afraid to take some time and avoid a rash decision.

To close a very lengthy post, I'll just recap the main points. Get advice to inform your opinions and decisions (you don't know what you don't know) and don't base your decision to leave on the bad attitudes of other USAFA cadets. Stay the course until you have a better grasp on USAFA if that is what you are uncertain about. And finally, consider the long term, not the fact that 4deg year is difficult. Questions like: "Do I want to be an officer in the military?" or "Where do I want to be in 1/5/10 years?" and then ask if USAFA aligns with those.

Good luck, pm if you need any further advice.
There is no Recognition anymore. There aren't drastic changes anymore.
Correct, 'Recognition' is no longer, but there is still a 'culminating event' that occurs in the spring semester called Crucible. This year the event will span March 5-8.
There is no Recognition anymore. There aren't drastic changes anymore.
I was waiting for this one, but well there could still be changes. Freshman year is still (in my opinion) the second hardest year. Academics at the academy has always been hard and truly the hardest freshman year if you aren't used to it.

Now sophomore year, by far the hardest, because it's academics and trying to be coach with almost no training. Now it'll be even more interesting to see what happens as we return to all roes gone like after recognition. Having no civis will be the only constant roes, so, time for changes.

Oj also said personal reasons. 3.8 shows it's not academics and they make no suggestion towards training as other posts normally do. It could be conflict with military as I see no mention of ROTC which is interesting.

But to OJ you've got two free years here. If your why has changed to have no place in the military well it's best to look at other options. On the other hand if it's still including the miliary, keep in mind usafa isn't the air force and consider talking to actual officers not cadets, about what future life will be like.

Is that the life you want?
Transfer acceptance chances will depend on individual schools. Ivy's have very few openings as very few disenroll. For those schools with a strong transfer culture, chances are very good. Just being at USAFA a short time with a honorable discharge will carry an applicant on its own. With a 3.8, you'll have no issues. Apply.
Finish the year. Make sure you're making the best decision for you. If you do decide to separate, summer gap allows the time to do so. Transition into the fall semester without loosing academic time.
Finish the year!! Your life will change drastically after Recognition.

I was back there in October for my 30th.

The 4 degrees aren’t getting trained now.

They are at rest inside their cadet squadron areas. There is no running on the marble strips. No greeting of the upperclassmen.
FlyFalcon wrote:


On the other hand if it's still including the miliary, keep in mind usafa isn't the air force…


Now granted I was a jaded and disgruntled 2Lt because of the UPT debacle, but yeah, for better or worse, the Real Air Force is NOT USAFA.

In my experience, it was way worse. But my first base was No Hope Pope….just 6 months after the Green Ramp Disaster:

So that could have tainted my experience too.

It royally sucked being a non-rated officer in the operations side of the Real Air Force.

If you could do something science-y or engineering-wise related to your academic major in the Real Air Force, that would be ideal.
FlyFalcon wrote:

Now granted I was a jaded and disgruntled 2Lt because of the UPT debacle, but yeah, for better or worse, the Real Air Force is NOT USAFA.

In my experience, it was way worse. But my first base was No Hope Pope….just 6 months after the Green Ramp Disaster:

So that could have tainted my experience too.

It royally sucked being a non-rated officer in the operations side of the Real Air Force.

If you could do something science-y or engineering-wise related to your academic major in the Real Air Force, that would be ideal.
I was a non-rated officer on the ops side and loved it. I was never treated any different than the pilots, professionally or socially. Many were USAFA classmates and friends at Pope so that was fun. We spent a lot of time deployed together so we all got pretty close. It was similar for dh with his West Point/Flight school buddies at Bragg as well. I turned down my UPT slot after graduation because I would have been one of the first with 10 year service commitment and being newly married to an Army officer, so I wasn’t pining over a pilot slot. Most of my classmates still had an 8 year commitment and 10 years seemed so much longer as a 22 year old. Seems silly now, but it ended up being the right choice for me. I got my first choice of Intel and had some really great jobs. I would have stayed in longer, but having a dual-service marriage juggling Afghanistan and Iraq deployments made it tough. I now have 2 non-PQ boys on their way to an AF commission so I guess they’ll be following a similar path.
You were married while you were at Pope/Ft. Bragg?

That changes things immensely because being a single man in Fayetteville absolutely was the pits.

As to my comments about being non-rated in ops, I’ll give you one example from being in the Company Grade Officer’s Council. First, not one single pilot or nav ever showed up to a CGOC meeting. Ever. At some point, it was creeping up on Veteran’s day 1995 or 1996. Somehow us non-rated CGO’s got tasked for doing something for POW’s/MIA’s. This was brought up at a CGO meeting. I looked around the room, and spoke up with, “When was the last time a finance officer or a public affairs officer was captured as a POW or listed as MIA?"

This was when there were still A-10’s and F-16’s at Pope…ya, know, the guys most likely to be shot down and taken as POW’s.
I am currently a freshman and just finished my first semester at the Academy with a 3.8 GPA. To preface, before I came to the Academy, I felt certain that this was the place for me; however, now, I’m not so sure because of personal reasons. I really want to stay at USAFA and will have a positive attitude moving forward but I want to be safe and submit a couple transfer applications in case I ultimately decide that USAFA isn’t the place for me. What are my chances of transferring to civilian colleges like the Ivy Leagues, Georgia Tech, Virginia Tech, USC, etc. I was also admitted to the Martinson Honors Program. Thank you in advance for your help!
For personal reasons….eh?

If you are already having these feelings now, yes, you should bail.

Unfortunately, what few classmates I kept in contact with who left USAFA early for whatever reasons…well…they all told me that absolutely ZERO of their USAFA classes or credits transferred over. So you will most likely be starting right back at square one. That’s obviously a “con”. A “pro” is civilian schools, in my opinion, are incredibly easy, and yes, dumbed down. So your 3.8 at USAFA, would easily be a 4.0 or better at State U.
Unfortunately, what few classmates I kept in contact with who left USAFA early for whatever reasons…well…they all told me that absolutely ZERO of their USAFA classes or credits transferred over. So you will most likely be starting right back at square one.
Might be true for some schools, but many of my courses transferred (especially core classes). Other majors courses transferred as electives (which weren't helpful to me because I switched majors). Most schools have a transfer database, check their website and consider it in your decision to leave USAFA.

If you are already having these feelings now, yes, you should bail
I think this is pretty bad advice. Depending on the root of your feelings, transferring might be the correct decision. However, if the root is just the suck of 4deg year or something else that is extremely short term/uninformed, stay the course and make your decision based on more solid things. This is the type of advice which gives "doubts" about staying at USAFA a bad stigma and prevents people from seeking advice/speaking out.
A “pro” is civilian schools, in my opinion, are incredibly easy, and yes, dumbed down. So your 3.8 at USAFA, would easily be a 4.0 or better at State U.

A civilian school will certainly feel a lot easier since the military training and physical activity obligations will be removed. However, the academics at State U, in my experience, are more often than not on par and sometimes more rigorous, depending on the program.

This is mostly by nature of the fact that USAFA values breadth over depth in their academic curriculum.