How do you actually know if you are triple Q'd? The CFA is a number not pass fail and we haven't received a letter stating qualified or not. Do you have to call the academy to see if you are considered triple Q'd? We already have the other two.
You are Triple qualified when:
1. You achieve "candidate" status from the academy.
2. You are cleared by DoDMERB (if you're not, you can get a medical waiver from the individual SA's)
3. You have been nominated by a congressperson.
At that point, you're just waiting for the offer of appointment.
Absolutely correct.
In terms of the CFA, if USNA considers you otherwise qualified and you have failed the CFA, they'll let you know. They don't specifically let you know that you've passed. So, basically, no news is good news.
One final note, your BGO is NOT told whether you passed the CFA or what your scores were (for the ubiquitous privacy reasons). Thus, don't call him/her about seeking this info as your time will be wasted. Your BGO will know when you are Triple Q'ed -- but so will you. Also, if you elect to tell your BGO your CFA scores, he/she will have a pretty good idea whether they are passing. But their determination is NOT official.