Uniform Measurement Form for Incoming Plebes


May 19, 2019
So while filling out the dress shirt sizing, my parents and were confused over what the correct neck measurement should be, if it should be a strict (tight) measurement around the middle of the neck, or a loose measurement with two fingers under the tape like they do at stores like Jos A. Banks. Furthermore, do these measurements really matter? Are these going to be the measurements that determine the sizes of your uniforms or are they just to give an estimate?
Don't overthink it ... they aren't issuing dress uniforms on I day. All they need is a ballpark to order initial issue.
When it comes to dress and fitted uniforms, you will be measured by tailors during Plebe Summer. Even then , nothing will fit perfectly, as its likely your sizing will change (up or down) during the course of 4 years at USNA.
I have worked I Day a bunch of times in the last 20 years or so. As mentioned it is purely about ordering in mass. One of your first stops is to be measured and it’s written down on cards you will carry around all day. You will have dozens of stops during I Day to get everything from socks and underwear to your new Dixie Cup. You will try it all on. And then your last stop on I Day is to change into white works before leaving Alumni Hall. It will be tried on again. If it doesn’t fit it will be exchanged until you get the right size. You will do a half dozen or more uniform fittings during Plebe Summer. All of them tried on and tailored to you. The tailor shop is free for Mids (it comes out of your monthly pay whether you use it or not, same with the cobbler shop). So get your stuff tailored if you grow, fill out or change sizes. I can’t tell you the number of Mids walking around with high water pants that at out of regs.
I can’t tell you the number of Mids walking around with high water pants that at out of regs.

I can recall a certain basketball player, who became an NBA superstar, who looked pretty silly as a Plebe...his intial issue White works were serious high waters! (Don't get me wrong, this guy was pretty squared away, they just didn't tailor or reissiue white works!).
They do tailor the white works for Plebes the first week of Plebe Summer. At first it feels like a very stiff potato sack, but they soften up and they also shorten them. Now if you grow 6” to become 7’, in one year... that is a different story!

I know we wore white works during the ac year, but don’t think they do that anymore.
It was relatively easy to find DD in plebe summer photos because she was the one in Delta with sleeves and pants a good two inches too short. Don’t know what happened there, whether it was sloppy measuring and sewing, or an extra hot tumble in the clothes dryer.

In any case, when I mentioned the “floods” to her at PPW, she said “Really? I didn’t even know.” Apparently they have bigger things to worry about during plebe summer.
No one really cares about white works and the ‘fit’. They got thrown in basically near boiling water for washing. So if they had them tailored before being washed... that can happen.
They do tailor the white works for Plebes the first week of Plebe Summer. At first it feels like a very stiff potato sack, but they soften up and they also shorten them.
I remember them getting "tailored" with a stapler on I-Day to get an acceptable length prior to the Oath Ceremony.
The fact mids no longer wear white works during Ac Year is one of the true tragedies of life at USNA.😢 We hated them during PS but during Ac Year they were great in that they didn't show lint, you didn't have to tuck the shirts -- it was the embodiment of relaxed. AND you got to wear sneakers with them!!!

As an aside, there is NOTHING like the smell of fresh white works to instantly catapult you back to PS. However, I understand changes were made to the WW vendor a few years back and they no longer have the same smell. Another tragedy.😭
When measuring for a dress shirt neck size, it's generally best to follow the method of placing the tape snugly but not tight around your neck—allowing enough room to fit one or two fingers underneath, just like in stores like Jos A. Banks.
Uniform fittings happen throughout PS and your Ac Year careers, and the uniform/tailor shop staff measures you every time. While uniform measurements can be annoying during the Ac Year, the tiered approach for uniform issue is best. It keeps your closet from getting too full and prevents added expenses from losing or damaging uniforms you won't wear for a while (like summer mess dress) between all the moves and hi-jinks that go along with MIDN life.
I remember dealing with uniform measurement forms, and I understand why it can feel overwhelming at first. It’s important to measure carefully, especially since the uniforms must fit perfectly. The best thing I found was using a fabric measuring tape or a simple ruler to get accurate measurements. Just follow the instructions on the form step by step, and double-check your numbers. It can be helpful to have someone else help you, just in case! And make sure you take your measurements in the morning when you’re most relaxed. You got this! If you need a quick refresher on how to use a ruler properly, here’s a link: ruler guide.
As a reminder when the Permit to Report (PTR) arrives in the spring (it won’t come until then for appointees) measurements are not the end all be all. You will be officially measured on I Day. All gear will be tried on and exchanged if it doesn’t fit properly. White works will be long but eventually soften when washed and will be hemmed. If you are a medium today and hit a growth spurt and need a large, it’s okay. USNA is really trying to gauge ordering in bulk and see if any outliers are there (there always are - like a 6’9” basketball player happens almost every year). Please do not panic on the measuring and filling out the forum when the time comes.
DS took his measurement form with him to the tux shop when he got measured for prom. He handed it to the sales rep and asked if he could help him out. He whipped out the tape measure, did all the measurements, and even filled it out for him. Thought that was a good idea.
Don't overthink the measurement form. It is to give the academy a peek at the general sizes needed and not the start of
tailoring a specific incoming plebe's uniforms.