USAFA 2015 class size reduction?

There's an article on the USAFA website where the Academy Supt. Gen. Gould states that as part of the 3rd leg of force management, the Class of 2015 will be reduced to 1120 or 165 less that the Class of 2014. The class of 2016 will be reduced to 1050.
Most of the numbers has to do with the economy. With the economy being much less attractive for employment, less people are getting out of the military. Less are voluntarily dropping out of the academy prior to their 3rd year. Some classes like the class of 2013 had approximately 85 more additional graduate BCT than normal. (They had the big swine flu epidemic, so many of the BCT class didn't have to do a lot of BCT, and they were exempt from being dropped). But mostly, it's the economy. And the military will do what they always do. Cut back significantly: Realize in a couple years that they cut back too much: Then push hard to recruit new people.

I do see the academy becoming stricter with things like academic probation and job selection. Currently; as long as you aren't a screw up, and you are qualified, you can become a pilot. Most of that is because, believe it or not, not everyone wants to be a pilot. Many come in saying they do, but once they understand the 10 year commitment and what they've gone through the first 2 years at the academy, they choose differently. I see that changing possibly to having less pilot slots and therefor the higher gpa/opa will be the ones who get the UPT slot.
You write, "I do see the academy becoming stricter with things like academic probation and job selection." What are the rules/tolerances now? Apart from pilot selection, how do you see the rules/tolerances changing?
You write, "I do see the academy becoming stricter with things like academic probation and job selection." What are the rules/tolerances now? Apart from pilot selection, how do you see the rules/tolerances changing?

I can't give you specifics. Obviously, there are "X" amount of opportunities to bring grades up to acceptable standards. Making up classes during spring and summer breaks, etc... Just that they may become stricter during the first 2 years with possibly less chances to make up a class. Purely speculation. As I mentioned about career opportunities, pilot slots may decrease, so instead of pretty much anyone who wants a UPT slot, "Usually about 50% of the class", they may go with the top-40%. Opportunities for grad school directly out of the academy being lowered. Again; purely speculation.
IMPO you will probably see less waivers for DQs.

CC is correct there is an inverse relation regarding the military and the economy. This will impact the SA's, ROTC and OCS.

When the economy is in the tanks, more students look for a way to pay for education.
~Poor economy, high applicants.

When it is good, the pool decreases.
~When the economy is in the tanks, AD military members do not dive. This means a bulge in the ranks for officers.

There is a ratio they want for Flag to Field to Company, on top of officer to enlisted.

When it is good they will dive, bad they stick around (a paycheck is a paycheck)...RIFS exist because of the economy, since they aren't diving fast enough for that ratio to maintain the needed balance.

That all thrown into the mix means:
~They do not have to give a DQ for anything.
~They can say you aren't meeting the SA academic standards and drop you.

In Real Estate terms this is a Buyer's market, and the military would be the Buyer. They get to dictate the terms within the confines of the law.
I just talked to a cadet at the Academy, and he told me that a lot of the doolies have been getting kicked out so the rumor was that because of that they weren't cutting down. Whatever happens, happens.
What's a "Doolie"?