Hello! I only started looking into West Point last week, and only submitted my SLE application on Feb 26th. I don't think I'm that competitive of a candidate, considering my SAT score and lack of school sport. However, I know a current cadet at WP right now and she got the equivalent of my score on the old SAT (mine=1280, hers=1790). Also, would my lack of a school sport be accounted for in that my school does not have sports? I go to a Middle College High School, so I've taken about fifteen or more college classes, including high levels maths such as calculus. I'm also on track to graduate with 3 associates degrees, and am a geology/geography major.
Another difficult point for me is my extracurricular. Since I travel so far for my school (about an hour commute each way at 5am), and our college classes are wedged between our normal ones, I normally don't have a lunch time to participate in clubs. Here's my list of activities so far on my application:
National Honor Society
Principal's Honor Roll (I haven't put this on my app since I don't know where to put it)
Club Soccer, was team captain several years ago for two years (stopped last year due to a crazy schedule with school and practice)
Debate Club Member (just joined)
Project Linus Member (a charity club that makes blankets for underprivileged kids)
Tang Soo Do/Karate 1rst Degree Black Belt (plus some Krav Maga)
Geology Club (a college club)
I also listed my volunteering in the remarks section, as well as my sports since they were not "school".
Volunteering: 120+ hrs at a local elementary school, and 40+hrs at my local library, 20+ other charity volunteering opps
Also working on publishing a book, as well as other short fiction online, although I don't know if this could even go anywhere on the app? And even if I was in the process of publishing it while I applied to WP, could I still list it on my app?
My GPA: 3.84 unweighted, 4.36 weighted. I'm a bit confused about my school's system and am asking my counselor tomorrow, but there's also a 10-12 GPA that's a 4.62 weighted. Does WP look at weighted or unweighted?
Class Rank: 38/104 unweighted, 34/104 weighted. I hope they keep in mind that I go to "nerd school", but I doubt they will.
I'm looking into joining a sport again, although I am debating between finding a lower level soccer team (like regional AYSO, if you know what that is) or tryign to find a wrestling team since I excelled at competitive karate as a kid. Or maybe JROTC, but it wouldn't start again until next school year I think. Which one would be better? I'm also trying to join the journalism club, applying for an officer position in NHS, and have been trying to start my own club.
Three other people from my school have applied, all three with 1500+ SAT scores, and only two were accepted. Kind of making me nervous. Also not sure about the competitiveness of my district, CA-25. Does anybody know how I could find that out?
Thank you and good luck!